орден мастерской дмитрия осипова

  1. "Kapitul" 3rd class Orders of Saint Anna in Gold made by Dmitry Osipov workshop /ДО/

    Gold, enamel. Size 35 mm. Weight 6.97 g. Marked with a St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark of shovel form "alpha, kokoshnik to the right, 56" from 1908+ time period and under the enamel with a maker's mark "ДО" for Dmitry Osipov workshop. All four grids marked with a St. Petersburg assay...
  2. Russian Orders for Non-Christians made by Dmitriy Osipov workshop /ДО/

    Privately-comissioned breast stars for Non-Christians made by Dmitriy Osipov workshop. Breast star of St. Anna for Non-Christians made by Dmitry Osipov workshop sometime between 1899 and 1904. Breast stars of St. Anna for Christians made by Dmitry Osipov workshop...
  3. "Kapitul" 3rd class Orders of Saint Stanislaus with Swords in Gold made by Dmitry Osipov workshop /ДО/

    Gold, enamel. Size 42 x 40 mm. Marked with a St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "alpha, kokoshnik to the right, 56" from 1908+ time period and with a maker's mark "ДО" for Dmitry Osipov workshop. Swords marked with a St. Petersburg assay office round marks "woman’s head in a kokoshnik to...
  4. "Kapitul" 3rd class Orders of Saint Anna with Swords in Gold made by Dmitry Osipov workshop /ДО/

    Gold, enamel. Size 39 x 35 mm. Weight 10.3 g. Marked with a St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "alpha, kokoshnik to the right, 56" from 1908+ time period and under the enamel with a maker's mark "ДО" for Dmitry Osipov workshop. Swords marked with a St. Petersburg assay office round marks...
  5. 4th class Orders of St.Vladimir for 18 Naval Campaigns made by Dmitriy Osipov workshop /ДО/

    4th class Orders of St.Vladimir for 25-Years Service in Officer Ranks made by Dmitriy Osipov https://asiamedals.info/threads/4th-class-orders-of-st-vladimir-for-25-years-service-in-officer-ranks-made-by-dmitriy-osipov-workshop-do.27975/ 4th class Orders of St.Vladimir for 35-Years Long Service...
  6. 3rd class Order of Saint Anna with swords made by Dmitry Osipov workshop /Д•О/

    Interesting 3rd class cross with swords with an unusual iconography. Most likely awarded for the Russo-Japanese War. See also 3rd class cross without swords of the same iconography...
  7. Order of the White Falcon Grand Cross Breast Star made by Dmitry Osipov workshop

    Rare set from the collection of State Historical Museum in Moscow /set was transferred from the Hermitage collection in 1956/. Almost certainly this set was privately-comissioned by an unknown member of the Imperial House of Russia. History of the White Falcon order...
  8. Breast Stars of Saint Anna order made by Dmitriy Osipov workshop /ДО/

    Saint Anna order crosses made by Dmitriy Osipov workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/privately-comissioned-orders-of-saint-anna-made-by-dmitriy-osipov-workshop-do.27264/ Breast star with pin fastening. Silver, enamel. Diameter 79х78 mm. Weight 47.43 g. Marked with a St. Petersburg assay...
  9. 4th class Orders of St.Vladimir for 25-Years Service in Officer Ranks made by Dmitriy Osipov workshop /ДО/

    4th class Orders of St.Vladimir for 35-Years Long Service made by Dmitriy Osipov https://asiamedals.info/threads/4th...ice-made-by-dmitriy-osipov-workshop-do.28005/ 4th class Orders of St.Vladimir for 18 Naval Campaigns made by Dmitriy Osipov...
  10. Order of Saint Stanislaus breast stars made by Dmitry Osipov /ДО/ workshop

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-saint-stanislaus-breast-stars-made-by-ivan-vasilievich-osipov-i-o-workshop.27370/ Breast star from 1882–1898 time period. Silver, gilt, gold, enamel. Size 77.9 × 77.1 mm. Weight 47.59 g. Marked with silver hallmark 84 with the city hallmark of...
  11. Orders of the Noble Bukhara made by Russian workshop of Dmitriy Osipov /ДО/

    Осипов Дмитрий Иванович /Osipov Dmitri Ivanovich/. Из потомственных петербургских ювелиров. Влад. мастерской (фабрики) орденов и жетонов. Род. в 1860 г. , в куп. 2-й гильд. с 1884 г. Мастерская по адресу: Гороховая, 30. 1894 З. и С. 1896–1901: торг. зол. и сер. изд., куп. 2-й гильд., Гороховая...
  12. Privately-comissioned Orders of Saint Anna made by Dmitriy Osipov workshop /ДО/

    Saint Anna order breast stars made by Dmitriy Osipov workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/breast-stars-of-saint-anna-order-made-by-dmitriy-osipov-workshop-do.28046/ 1st class cross. Gold, enamel. Size 48.3 mm. Weight 18.5 g. Marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark...
  13. Privately-comissioned Orders of Saint Vladimir made by Dmitriy Osipov workshop /ДО/

    Breast stars of Saint Vladimir order made by Dmitriy Osipov workshop /ДО or Д.О or Д·O/ https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-saint-vladimir-breast-stars-made-by-dmitry-osipov-do-workshop.26253/ 1st/2nd class with swords. Gold, enamel. Size (including the loop) 54 mm. Weight 28.3 g...
  14. Orders of St.George made by Dmitriy Osipov workshop /ДО/

    Crosses with iconography of 1st type (1899-1908). 4th class in gold. "Bulbous" /"Дутый"/ type. Marked DO /ДО/ for Dmitri Osipov workshop. St.Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "56AR /АР for Александр Романов/" from 1904-1908 time period. Medallions.