орден льва и солнца русского производства

  1. Orders of the Lion and Sun made by an Unidentified Russian Workshops

    Unmarked breast star of interesting iconography. Silver, gilt, strass stones. Medallion.
  2. Orders of Lion and Sun made by Russian workshop of Frederic Bjork /FB/

    Breast star of the Order of St. George made by Frederic Bjork /FB/ https://asiamedals.info/threads/bre...-made-by-workshop-of-frederic-bjork-fb.28148/ Breast star of the Order of Saint Stanislaus made by Frederic Bjork /FB/...
  3. Orders of Lion and Sun made by St. Petersburg workshop Г.П /G.P/

    Diamond-cut Russian-made breast star with medallion from Saniolmamalek-made lion. See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-stanislaus-made-by-st-petersburg-workshop-g-p-g-p.26586/ Silver, gilt, enamel. Breast star marked with St. Petersburg assay office silver hallmark "84 +...
  4. Orders of Lion and Sun made by Frederick Adolf Golshtenius workshop /F•H/

    Orders of Saint Alexander Nevsky made by Frederick Golshtenius workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/ord...ederick-adolf-golshtenius-workshop-foh.25627/ Orders of Saint George made by Frederick Golshtenius workshop...
  5. Orders of Lion and Sun made by Russian PV /ПВ/ workshop

    This Russian manufacturer of Order of the Lion and Sun was active from 1899 until 1910s. See also orders of Saint Stanislaus made by St. Petersburg workshop PV /ПВ/ https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-stanislaus-made-by-st-petersburg-workshop-pv-pv.28234/ Typical iconography of the...