орден льва и солнца

  1. Orders of the Lion and Sun made by Vincenz Mayer’s Söhne, Wien

    Workshop history https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-stanislaus-made-by-vincenz-mayers-soehne-wien.26445/ 3rd class order. Silver, enamel. Size 65.5 mm. Suspension and badge marked with an Austrian silver hallmark from 1867+ time period "Diana head with a number 2 and letter A"...
  2. Orders of Lion and Sun made by Russian workshop of Dmitry Osipov /ДО/

    "Diamond" 2nd class breast star from 1899-1908 time period. Silver, gold, strass stones, enamel. Size 78 mm. Marked with St. Petersburg assay office round silver control mark "female head in a kokoshnik to the right, dot under the chin" and maker's mark "ДО/DO" for Dmitry Osipov workshop...
  3. 2nd class Order of the Lion and Sun awarded in 1826 to Major General Sir James Edward Alexander

    Exceptionally early set.
  4. Orders of Lion and Sun made by Moscow workshop of Ivan Futikin /ИФ/

    Futikin Ivan Ivanovich, owner of a silverware workshop. According to the information as of 1894, he had 12 workers. On the hallmark of the master, the initials are depicted in two letters "IF". Футикин Иван Иванович, владелец мастерской серебряных изделий. По сведениям 1894 г. имел рабочих...
  5. Orders of Lion and Sun made by Frederick Adolf Golshtenius workshop /F•H/

    Orders of Saint Alexander Nevsky made by Frederick Golshtenius workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/ord...ederick-adolf-golshtenius-workshop-foh.25627/ Orders of Saint George made by Frederick Golshtenius workshop...
  6. Orders of Lion and Sun made by Russian PV /ПВ/ workshop

    This Russian manufacturer of Order of the Lion and Sun was active from 1899 until 1910s. See also orders of Saint Stanislaus made by St. Petersburg workshop PV /ПВ/ https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-stanislaus-made-by-st-petersburg-workshop-pv-pv.28234/ Typical iconography of the...