Beautifully preserved early 3rd class cross of Prussian Red Eagle order awarded to Albert Bertel Thorvaldsen on January 20, 1825.
Gold, enamel.
Height 45 mm.
Collection of Thorvaldsen...
3rd class prussian red eagle order
albert bertel thorvaldsen awards
friedrich order
germans order awarded to albert bertel thorvaldsen
grand cross bavarian order of merit of st. michael
order of merit of the bavarian crown
prussian red eagle 3rd class awarded in 1825
prussian red eagle order made by hossauer
roter adlerorden hossauer
verdienstorden der bayerischen krone
Russian-made privately commissioned breast star.
Silver, enamel.
Size 68 mm.
Weight 35.5 g.
Marked with French import silver mark hare/rabbit head that was usually used for silver items which has been exported from France tax-free and later re-imported with the payment of tax.
auguste ferron de la ferronnays awards
breast star of the saint andrew order
early saint andrew order
hausorden der rautenkrone
lavoignat et lorrain
звезда ордена андрея первозванного
звезда ордена первозванного графа де ла ферроне
награды императорской россии
орден андрея первозванного
орден первозванного французской мастерской
ордена императорской россии
орденские звёзды алмазной огранки
орденские звёзды графа де ла ферроне
пьер-луи-огюст феррон граф де ла ферроне
ранняя звезда ордена андрея первозванного
русские ордена иностранного производства
Index thread devoted to Talleyrand awards
Bavarian Order of Saint Hubert /Der Orden des Heiligen Hubertus/.
On display.
bavarian order of saint hubert
charles maurice de talleyrand-périgord
charles maurice de talleyrand-périgord awards
charles maurice de talleyrand-périgord orders
derorden des heiligen hubertus talleyrand
german awards of talleyrand
german orders of talleyrand
hausorden der rautenkrone
prussian order of the black eagle of talleyrand
prussian order of the red eagle of talleyrand
roter adlerorden awarded to talleyrand
schwarzer adlerorden talleyrand
talleyrand's german orders
talleyrand's german states awards