нагрудные знаки императорской россии

  1. Cross "For Service In The Caucasus" 1864 made by FT workshop

    Silver, gilt, blackening. Size 47.9×47.2 mm. Weight 19.89 g. Marked with a silver hallmark "84", St. Petersburg assay office mark "anchors" and maker's mark "FT".
  2. In Memory of the Appointment of the Tsarevich as Chief of the Alekseevsky Military School in Moscow Commemorative Badge

    In 1906, the heir to the to the throne Tsarevich Grand Duke Alexei Nikolaevich became the head of the Moscow Military School. Since then the school was called Alekseevsky Military School. The anniversary badge was approved on May 1, 1908. It was established to be worn on uniforms in memory of...
  3. Russian Red Cross Society Provisional Government Badges made in Gilded Bronze

    Unknown workshop. Bronze, gilt, enamel. Size 52 x 32 mm. Weight 13 g. Unmarked.
  4. 25th Artillery Brigade Battle of Mukden Commemorative Jeton/Жетон 25-й артиллерийской бригады

    Silver, enamel. Size 39.4 × 25 mm. Weight 15.31 g. Unmarked. Issued to Ensign Augsburg. Reverse engraved: “In memory of the valiant and selfless action of the 25th artillery brigade in the fierce battles of Mukden from February 17 to February 25, 1905. Ensign of 3rd Bat. Augsburg No. 37. /...
  5. Russian Red Cross Society Provisional Government Badges made by Eduard /ВД/ workshop

    Badges from 1917. Silver, gilt, enamel. Size 51 x 33 mm. Weight 19 g. Marked with maker's mark "ВД" for Eduard workshop, round mark "female head in a kokoshnik to the right" and St. Petersburg assay office silver mark [alpha, kokoshnik facing right, 84]. Marks.
  6. Imperial Russian Red Cross Society Badges made by Odessa workshop AF /АФ/

    Silver, gilt, enamel. Marked with maker's mark "АФ" (unknown master), round control mark "female head in a kokoshnik to the right" and Odessa assay district silver hallmark [kappa, female head in a kokoshnik, to the right, 84] from 1908+ time period. Marks.
  7. Imperial Russian Red Cross Society Badges made by the Alexander Brylov /АБ/ workshop

    Silver, gilt, enamel. Size 51 x 32 mm. Weight 23.05 g. Marked with maker's mark "A.Б" for Alexander Brylov workshop /Александр Брылов/, round control mark "female head in a kokoshnik to the right" and St. Petersburg silver hallmark from 1908+ time period (alpha, female head in a kokoshnik to...
  8. Imperial Russian Red Cross Society Badges made in Gilded Bronze

    1st variation. Unknown workshop. Bronze, gilt, enamel. Size 52х34 mm. Weight 19 g.
  9. Imperial Russian Red Cross Society Badge Regulation

    Badge was established on June 24, 1899. It was issued to members of the Russian Red Cross Society of both sexes for merits in the affairs of the Society during military operations and public disasters or for long-term useful activity in peacetime, as well as for a one-time donation of at least...
  10. Russian Red Cross Society Provisional Government Badges made by Godet, Berlin

    The badge was issued to members of the Russian Red Cross Society of both sexes for merits in the affairs of the Society during military operations and public disasters or for long-term useful activity in peacetime, as well as for a one-time donation of at least 5000 rubles. Worn on the left side...
  11. Imperial Russian Water Rescue Society Badges made by Johannes Tölkeri workshop IT/JT

    Johannes Tölkeri /Иоган Телькери/ (b. 1841). In 1857 he came to St. Petersburg and studied under Henrik Hedman. In 1861 he became an apprentice, and around 1870, a goldsmith. According to Postnikova-Loseva he worked until the 1880s. But in reality maker's marks I.T., IT, J.T or JT are found on...
  12. Imperial Russian Water Rescue Society Badges made by F.R. /Ф.Р./ workshop

    Silver badge type 1894. Silver, enamel. Size 32.6 x 32.1 mm. Weight 14.55 g. Marked with silver hallmark "84", "St. Petersburg coat of arms" and maker's mark of unidentified workshop "Ф.Р./F.R.". Marks.
  13. Badge of the 17th Chernigov Hussar Regiment/Знак 17-го гусарского Черниговского Е.И.В. Великого Князя Михаила Александровича полка

    Badge of the 17th Hussar Chernihiv of His Imperial Majesty Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich regiment was approved by Highest Order on May 2, 1912. A badge in the form of the pommel of the regimental St. George banner with the regiment's motto "Five Against Thirty". In the middle of the badge is...
  14. 100th Anniversary of the State Chancellery Commemorative Badge/Знак в память 100-летия Государственной канцелярии

    Silver, gilding, enamel. Size 56.3×36.4 mm. Weight 23.55 g. Marked with St. Petersburg assay office silver hallmark "88" and maker's mark "AT" for Alfred Thielemann /Альфред Тилеманн/. Marks
  15. Badges of Excellence for Faultless Service made by A•K workshop

    Silver, gilding. Size 30 х 25 mm. Marked with silver hallmark "84" from 1899-1908 time period and maker's mark "A•K". Marks.
  16. Badges of Excellence for Faultless Service made by Frederic Bjork workshop /FB/

    25 years of service on St.George ribbon. Silver, gilding. Size: 32.7 mm. Weight: 6.1 g. Marked with St. Petersburg assay office silver hallmark "84", "St. Petersburg coat of arms" and maker's mark "FB" for Frederic Bjork /Фредерик Бьорк/ workshop (active 1840–1860).
  17. Badges of Excellence for Faultless Service made by Johann Wilhelm Keibel workshop /WK/

    15 years of service on St. Vladimir ribbon. Silver, gilding. Size 28.3×32.3 mm. Weight 7.05 g. Marked with maker's mark "WK" for Johann Wilhelm Keibel /Иоганн Вильгельм Кейбель/ and St. Petersburg assay office year mark 1858. Marks. Details.
  18. Silver Badge of Air Force Strengthening Special Committee/Серебряный знак особого комитета по усилению военно-воздушного флота

    Two variations of Eduard-made badges are known: "large" and "small" badges. They differ from each other not only in size but also in stamps. The seasiest wat to diffientiate between two variations - geometry of the ribbons. "Large" variation vs. "small" variation. Large badge. History of...
  19. Golden Badge of Air Force Strengthening Special Committee/Золотой знак особого комитета по усилению военно-воздушного флота

    Large badge. History of the badge https://asiamedals.info/threads/history-of-special-committee-for-the-strengthening-of-the-russian-naval-fleet-and-its-air-fleet-department-badges.24633/ Gold, silver (the eagle as well as the plane and screwplate are in silver), blackening, enamel. Size 46 х...
  20. 50th Anniversary of Zemstvo (local governments) Commemorative Badges Made in Bronze/Знаки в память 50-летия земских учреждений сделанные в бронзе

    History of the badge and badges made in silver https://asiamedals.info/threads/50th-anniversary-of-zemstvo-local-governments-commemorative-badges-made-in-silver-znaki-v-pamjat-50-letija-zemskix-uchrezhdenij-sdelannye-v-serebre.23693/ Dmitry Osipov workshop /ДО/. Bronze version of silver badge...