manufacturer of japanese watch fob

  1. Badges and watch fobs made by H.K.D. workshop/寳弘堂

    Only one variant of workshop label is known today. Active in Osaka during 1930s. 寳弘堂 = 宝弘堂 - Takara Hiroshi-dō /Hiroshi Treasure Shop/.
  2. Badges and watch fobs of Koyama Medal Shoten/小山商店徽章

    Standard label of this manufacturer.
  3. Badges and watch fobs made by Okayama Emblem Works/岡山標記製作所徽章部

    Workshop from Okayama workshop. Active since 1930s. Today's look of the workshop. Three variants of workshop label are known for today. 岡山標記製作所 - Okayama Emblem Works /標記 - mark; symbol; sign; emblem/
  4. Badges and Medals made by Shokosha workshop, Osaka/尚工舎

    Workshop was established in March 1918 by Mr. Kamekichi Yamazaki, a precious metal dealer and member of the House of Peers. Workshop is still active today 1916 Taiwan Industry Promotion Exhibition medals...
  5. Badges, labels and marks of Ariyama Kinseido/有山金生堂

    Standard labels of this workshop.
  6. Badges, watch fobs and medals made by Naigai Medal Works/内外徽章製作所

    Tokyo-based workshop that was one of the Japan's largest pre-war manufacturers of badges and watch fobs.
  7. Badges of Toyo Medal Works, Tokyo/東洋徽章製作所

    Tokyo workshop rhat was particularly active during 1930s. 東洋徽章製作所 - Toyo Medal Works, Tokyo Two types of labels are known. 1st type. 2nd type. Variation. 3rd type. 4th type. Cardboard cases text. Stamp.
  8. Badges and Watch Fobs made by Suya Shoten/壽屋商店章

    Probably the oldest manufacturer and supplier of military goods (regimental flags, uniform, edged weapon, etc) for Imperial Army and Navy. Was active since very early Meiji until the end of WW2. Today it is mainly known as a main supplier of gunto koshiraes, but this workshop was also actively...