manufacturer of japanese badge

  1. Badges and Watch Fobs manufactured by Funahashi [Funabashi] Medal Co./船橋メダル製作所

    Main manufacturer of badges, watch fobs and medals for the Imperial/Greater Japan Aviation Association during 1930s and 1940s. Original name of this workshop reads Funabashi 船橋メダル製作所 - Funabashi Medaru Seisakusho but all known latinized labels bear Funahashi. 1st variant of workshop mark...
  2. Badges and Watch Fobs with mark 瑞 /Mizu/

    瑞 /Mizu/ - lucky; propitious, surname As for today the exact owner of this mark remains unknown.
  3. Medals, badges and watch fobs manufactured by Saneikwan workshop/三英舘

    Osaka based workshop. Active in 1890s-1900s time period.
  4. Badges and Watch Fobs made by Usuki Watch Shop/ウスキ時計店

    Workshop from Toyama City known for its Imperial Reservists Association badges and watch fob. Mark.
  5. Badges manufactured by the Mukoda Honten/向田本店

  6. Badges and Watch Fobs manufactured by the Usui Tatsuo Shōten/臼井辰雄商店

    This Gifu-based workshop was actively involved in manufacturing fire equipment items. Workshop labels. Workshop advertisements.
  7. Badges and Watch fobs made by Hayatsu (Hosakado) Medal Company/早津メダル商會 (保坂堂)

    This Tokyo workshop was actively involved in manufacturing fire brigade and newspaper badges and watch fobs during pre-WWII time period. Company still exists today. Known label variations. Workshop emblem includes two letters N and H for 早津直治 - Naoji Hayatsu.
  8. Badges and medals manufactured by the S.Tanase Medal Works/棚瀬徽章製作所

    Nagoya-based workshop.
  9. Badges made by Mikado Medal Works/ミカド徽章製作所

    Several variants of labels are known. Stamp. Workshop advertisment from July 1923.
  10. Badges, watch fobs, medals and cups of Yamazaki shōten/山崎商店

    "S inside the Star" = Yamazaki shōten = 山崎商店. Two labels of this workshop from Tokyo are known today. Silver marks. Gold mark. Case mark.
  11. Badges and Watch Fobs made by Asahi Industry Co., Ltd./旭工業商會

    Two variants of workshop labels are known for today.
  12. Badges made by Yamanashi New Medal Inc./株式会社 山梨新興徽章

    Established on August 4, 1981. Company logo Shinko from 新興 /shinko/ - new; developing; rising. Large manufacturer of fire brigade and police badges. Official site
  13. Badges and watch fobs made by Oki Medal Company/沖徽章商会

    Three variants of workshop label are known for today. 1st variant. 2nd variant. Color variation. 3rd variant. 4th variant. Advertisement. 沖徽章商會 - Oki medal company/Oki kishō shōkai Inside the wreath OKI
  14. Badges manufactured by Akawo Medal Works/アカヲ徽章製作所

    Two labels of this workshop are known. 1st variant. 2nd variant.
  15. Badges and miniatures made by Sugimura & Co. workshop, Tokyo/杉村商店製

    Standard labels of this workshop. Merit badges for the Imperial Reservist Association Miniatures made by Sugimura workshop...
  16. Badges made by Tanaka Flag Store, Osaka/田中旗店

    Founded in Osaka in 1912 it is still active today. 1912年(大正元年) 田中豊次が個人にて大阪市東区瓦町4丁目16番地に創業。 1913年(大正2年)7月 合資会社組織に改める。 1921年(大正10年) 日本毛織物株式会社純毛旗布一手販売代理店となる。 1945年(昭和20年)3月 戦災により店舗、倉庫、商品を全焼。同年8月終戦により外地支店工場施設全部接収され、営業停止状態になる。 1948年(昭和23年)1月...
  17. Badges and watch fobs of Sato General Partnership Company, Fukuoka/佐藤合名會社

    Three classical labels of this workshop. In the center is a stylized kanji 佐 from 佐藤 - Sato Rarer variations. Post-war label. Workshop manufactured Fukuoka Prefecture Miners' Federation Diligence Badges...
  18. Badges and Watch Fobs made by Tokyo Medal Works/東京徽章製作所

    One of the main manufacturers of Japan Seafarers Relief Association badges. Standard workshop labels. Japan Seafarers Relief Association 1st class merit badge. 東京徽章製 - made by...
  19. Badges of TOA Medal Works, Tokyo/東亞徽章製作所

    So far the proven period of activity of this workshop is 1934-1935. Proven by newspaper advertisements. The earliest known advertisement that was published on 28.03.1934. The latest on 25.05.1935. Workshop label.
  20. Badges, watch fobs and labels of Asada workshop/淺田製作所

    Thress variations of workshop label are known for today. 1st variant. 2nd variant. 3d variant.