manchurian incident

  1. Wound Badge of 2nd Independent Garrison Infantry Battalion/満州事変 独歩二 戦傷記念章

    Obverse. Emblem of Independent Garrison Units. 戦傷 - Wounded in Action Reverse. 満州事變 - Manchurian Incident 戦傷記念 - War Wound Commemorative 獨歩二 - 2nd Independent Garrison Infantry [Batallion] Side view. Case (could be original).
  2. Manchurian Incident Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs/満州事変記念章

    See also Reverse 皇紀二五九二年 - 1932 日支事変凱旋記念 - Japan-China Incident (instead of typical "Manchurian Incident") Triumphal Return Commemorative 歩兵第十五聯隊 - 15th Infantry Regiment...