johann wilhelm keibel

  1. Orders of St.Vladimir with swords made by Wilhelm Keibel

    4th class order of St.Vladimir with swords and bow allegedly awarded in 1856 to Prince Emil-Karl Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg /German: Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg; Russian: Князь Эмиль-Карл Сайн-Витгенштейн-Берлебург (1824–1878)/. Gold, enamel. Size 35.6 mm. Marked with a St. Petersburg assay...
  2. St.Stanislaus Orders for Non-Christians made by Johann Wilhelm Keibel /WK/ workshop

    Gold, enamel. Size 38 mm. Weight 6.07g. Marked with gold hallmark "56" /"large" variation/, "double-headed eagle" and "WK" for Wilhelm Keibel. Collection of Hermitage, St. Petersburg.
  3. Badges of Excellence for Faultless Service made by Johann Wilhelm Keibel workshop /WK/

    15 years of service on St. Vladimir ribbon. Silver, gilding. Size 28.3×32.3 mm. Weight 7.05 g. Marked with maker's mark "WK" for Johann Wilhelm Keibel /Иоганн Вильгельм Кейбель/ and St. Petersburg assay office year mark 1858. Marks. Details.
  4. Order of Saint Alexander Nevsky of Otto von Bismarck

    Index thread Otto, Prince of Bismarck, Count of Bismarck-Schönhausen, Duke of Lauenburg was awarded with Order of Saint Alexander Nevsky on March 13, 1862. Gold, enamel...
  5. 1st class Order of St. Anna from the collection of the Margraves and Grand Dukes of Baden

    WK-made (Johann Wilhelm Keibel) full set from circa 1856. Probably awarded either to Friedrich I, Regent (from 1852) and subsequently Grand Duke of Baden (1826-1907) or to his younger brother Prince Wilhelm (1829-97). Ex collection of the Margraves and Grand Dukes of Baden. See also Order of...
  6. Order of White Eagle from the collection of the Margraves and Grand Dukes of Baden

    WK-made (Johann Wilhelm Keibel) full set from 1856. Probably awarded either to Friedrich I, Regent (from 1852) and subsequently Grand Duke of Baden (1826-1907) or to his younger brother Prince Wilhelm (1829-97). Ex collection of the Margraves and Grand Dukes of Baden. See also Order of Saint...
  7. Orders of St. Andrew made by Johann Wilhelm Keibel workshop /WK/

    Cross from 1861. Gold, enamel. Size 64x82 mm. Weight 64.44 g. Collection of Hermitage. Collar and breast star. Collar from 1856. Gold, enamel. Size 55x1060 mm. Weight 281.76 g. Gold, silver, enamel. Size 82x83 mm. Weight 44.17 g. Same cross with the sash. Silk moiré. Size 10x166 cm.
  8. Orders of St. Alexander Nevsky with Swords made by Wilhelm Keibel /WK/

    Rare badge with swords from the collection of Moscow Kremlin Museums. Gold, enamel. Size 53 х 53 mm. Height including the ribbon loop 83 mm. Exemplary specimen that until 1917 was in the collection of Imperial Kapitul /Chapter/.
  9. Orders of St. Alexander Nevsky made by Johann Wilhelm Keibel /WK/

    Rare privately commissioned diamond cut badge (for a diamond-cut cross made by IK see Gold, silver, enamel. Size 54 × 83 mm. Weight 47.20 g. Marked on reverse under the enamel with...