japanese ww1 commemorative watch fob

  1. Fall of Tsingtao Triumphant Return Commemorative Watch Fob/大正三年青島陥落凱旋記念章

    Size 21.5 mm. Obverse 凱旋 - Triumphant Return reverse 大正三年 - 1914 八月二十三日正午 - Noon of August 23rd 日獨國交断絶 - Severance of Diplomatic Relations Between Japan and Germany 十一月七日午前 - Morning of November 7th 青島陥落 - Fall of Tsingtao
  2. Japanese Mint WW1 Commemorative Watch Fobs/大正八年六月二十八日世界戦役講和條約調印記念章

    Watch fobs were commissioned by Osaka Mainichi Shimbun and were manufactured by the Japanese Mint. Mint also manufactured table medals with the same design https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-mint-ww1-commemorative-table-medals.26291/ Today thee variants of the watch fobs are known: gold...