japanese order of golden kite meiji era

  1. 7th class Golden Kite order awarded in 1906 to Army Infantry Superior Private Masuji Shintani for the Russo-Japanese War

    Useful time coordinate for this early variation of Golden Kite order. Awarded together with Rising Sun order on April 1, 1906 to 陸軍少兵上等兵 - Army Infantry Superior Private 新谷益治 - Shintani Masuji Russo-Japanese War Medal + Special Member's Japanese Red Cross Society Medal.
  2. 5th class Order of Golden Kite awarded in 1906 to Army Second Lieutenant Yoshimi Masan for the Russo-Japanese War

    Order is still in excellent condition for the lifetime award. Awarded on April 1, 1905 to Army Second Lieutenant Yoshimi Masan /吉見馬三/.