japanese military award groups

  1. 6th Class Golden Kite and 7th class Rising Sun orders awarded in 1940 to Sergeant Major Soshichi Sagisaka

    Non-posthumous lifetime China Incident awarding. Both orders and China Incident medal issued on the same date (April 29, 1940) to Army Sergeant Major Soshichi Sagisaka /鷺坂宗七/. 6th class Golden Kite order.
  2. Medal and Ribbon Bars with Two Golden Kite Orders

    About these rare cases https://asiamedals.info/threads/may-wear-both-classes-of-order-of-golden-kite-simultaneously.11712/ 12 place medal bar. Obvious violation rules of wearing. Inside the field case. 5th class was made by Mint. 7th class was made by Shobido workshop...