japanese medal and awards

  1. Blue Ribbon Medal of Honor awarded in 1955

    Set that was awarded on November 14, 1955. Note highly unusual case (look like they used case for 7th/8th class Rising Sun order. Typical cases for a medals from 1940s/1950s https://asiamedals.info/threads/blue-ribbon-medal-of-honor-awarded-in-1944.27269/ ...
  2. Blue Ribbon Medals of Honor awarded in 1963

    Awarded on October 26, 1963. Engraved 加納治朗 - Kanō Jirō Original case. Miniature bow.
  3. Hokkaido Association Commemorative Medal/北海道協會記念章

    Interesting Meiji-era commemorative medal/badge. Obverse (in seal script) 北海道協會 - Hokkaido Association. 北 on star for 北海道 - Hokkaido. Original case. 記念章 - Commemorative Medal/Badge
  4. Medal and Ribbon Bars with Two Golden Kite Orders

    About these rare cases https://asiamedals.info/threads/may-wear-both-classes-of-order-of-golden-kite-simultaneously.11712/ 12 place medal bar. Obvious violation rules of wearing. Inside the field case. 5th class was made by Mint. 7th class was made by Shobido workshop...