japanese imperial military association badge

  1. Imperial Military Dog Association Meritorious Dog Medal/財団法人帝国軍用犬協会功犬章

    Association award intended for a dog. Note a dog leash inside the case. Case lid 功犬章 - Meritorious Dog Medal 財團法人帝國軍用犬協會 - Foundation Imperial Military Dog Association
  2. Imperial Military Reservist Association Shizuoka Branch Martial Arts Tournament Award Watch Fob/帝国在郷軍人会武術大会賞章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 帝國在郷軍人會静岡支部 - Imperial Military Reservist Association Shizuoka Branch 武術大會 - Martial Arts Tournament
  3. Imperial Military Reservist Association Kaminogo Village Branch Diligence Award Badge/帝国在郷軍人会上之郷村分会勤賞章

    Size 37 x 25 mm. Thickness 1.5 mm. Obverse 勤賞 - Diligence Award 帝國在郷軍人會上之郷村分會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association Kaminogo Village Branch
  4. 1939 Imperial Military Association North Gate Branch Weapon Manufacturing Commemorative Watch Fob/皇紀二千五百九十九年帝國軍人會北門分會兵器造製記念章

    Size 39 x 27 mm. Weight 17.4 g. Design of this badge was influenced by meritorious service badge https://asiamedals.info/threads/meritorious-service-badge-of-imperial-military-reservist-association.23076/ Specimen from the collection of National Museum of Taiwan History. Reverse 兵器造製記念 -...
  5. Toyohashi City Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Award Watch Fob/帝國在郷軍人會豊橋支部優勝章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 優勝 - Champion reverse 帝國在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 豊橋支部 - Toyohashi [City] Branch [of Association] /Toyohashi City is a city in Aichi Prefecture, Japan/ Original case. Watch...
  6. Shinagawa Ward Union Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Establishment Commemorative Watch Fob/帝国在郷軍人会品川區聨合分会發會記念章

    Obverse 記念 - Commemorative reverse 發會記念 - Establishment Commemorative 品川區聨合分會 - Shinagawa Ward Union Branch of Association 帝國在郷軍人會- Imperial Military Reservist Association