japanese expo badge

  1. 1936 Great Exposition of Glorious Japan Commemorative Watch Fob/輝く日本大博覧會記念章

    Size 25 mm. Obverse 輝く日本大博覧會 - Great Exposition of Glorious Japan reverse 阪神浜甲子園 - Hanshin, Hama-Koshien in Nishinomiya, Hyogo Prefecture 昭和十一年 - 1936 大阪毎日新聞社 - Osaka Mainichi Shimbun 東京日日新聞社 - Tokyo Nichinichi Shimbun Marked 造幣局製 - Made by the Mint Original paper wrapper...
  2. 1930 Sea and Sky Expo in Commemoration of 25th Anniversary of the Battle of Tsushima Badges/海と空の博覧會日本海々戰二十五周年記念章

    Badge of 1st type. Obverse 記念 - Commemorative Z Flag https://asiamedals.info/threads/mikasa-preservation-society-badges-z-flag-badges-z.25258/ 昭和五年 - 1930 reverse 海と空の博覧會 - Sea and Sky Expo 日本海々戰二十五周年記念 - The 25th anniversary of the Naval Battle of Sea of Japan /Battle of...
  3. 1932 Hiroshima Exhibition in Commemoration of 50th Anniversary of the Imperial Rescript to Soldier and Sailors Watch Fob

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/watch-fob-in-commemoration-of-50th-anniversary-of-the-imperial-rescript-to-soldier-and-sailors.22773/ Size 28 mm. Obverse 誠心 - Wholehearted [Devotion] reverse 勅諭下鵙五十周年記念 - The 50th Anniversary of the Imperial Rescript to Soldier 廣島 - Hiroshima...