japanese aviation badge

  1. 3rd Class of Aircraft Radio Operators 1940 Graduation Commemorative Watch Fob/皇紀二千六百年第三期修業卒業記念章

    Obverse 航空無線 - Aircraft Radio reverse 記念 - Commemorative 皇紀二千六百年 - 1940 第三期修業 - 3rd Class Engraved 前田武 - Maeda Takeshi
  2. Army Aviation Maintenance School 18th B-Class Yokaren Program Graduation Watch Fob/陸軍航空整備学校第十八面乙種生章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/1941-army-aviation-maintenance-school-18th-b-class-yokaren-program-graduation-watch-fob-2601.27127/ Obverse 航 for 航整 - Aircraft Maintenance 電 for 電気 - Electrical Equipment reverse 卒業記念 - Graduation Commemorative 陸軍航空整備學校 - Army Aviation...
  3. Army Airplane Badge/軍飛行機章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 軍 - Army
  4. Third Class Glider Instructor Badge/三級滑空教士徽章

    Reverse and cover of the original cardboard case 三級滑空教士徽章 - Third Class Glider Instructor Badge e
  5. 1936 Taiwan 8th Air Regiment Bomber Squadron Watch Fob/1936年台湾飛行第八聯隊爆撃中隊章

    Obverse 爆撃 - Bombing reverse 2596 - 1936 台湾飛行第八聯隊 - Taiwan 8th Air Regiment /Hikoudai Hachi Sentai was formed in 1925 in Pingtung City/ 爆撃中隊 - Bomber Squadron
  6. The Purpose of the Greater Japan Aviation Boy Scouts Brochure/大日本飛行少年團趣旨(拔萃)

    Interesting short pamphlet that was published by the Headquarters of 大日本飛行少年団總本部/Dai Nihon hikō shōnen-dan/Great Japan Flying Boys Group/Greater Japan Aviation Boy Scouts sometime around 1937. Note that on the cover badge of the Greater Japan Aviation Boy Scouts badge without rosette described...
  7. Army Aviation Signal School 14th Class of Youth Pilots A-Class 9th Signal Class Student Watch Fob/少年飛行兵第十四期生陸軍航空通信学校甲種通信第九期生章

    Post war watch fob most likely made for veterans (example of similar naval watch fob https://asiamedals.info/threads/replicas-of-naval-signal-school-58th-class-general-course-graduation-watch-fob-made-by-taniguchi-shoten-co-ltd.27178/). Design of obverse was taken from Greater East Asian War...
  8. 1941 Yokohama Technical School General Affairs Department Badge/1941年横浜専門学校総務部章

    Length 62 mm. Obverse Obverse 総務 - General Affairs reverse 横浜専門学校 - Yokohama Technical School 総務部 - General Affairs Department (bureau); Executive Section 2601 - 1941
  9. 2nd Daitai Victory Commemorative Watch Fob/行第二大隊戦勝記念章

    Reverse 行第二大隊 - 2nd Daitai /Squadron consisted of 18 aircraft/ 戦勝記念 - Victory Commemorative
  10. Saikai Glider Badge/西海章

    Obverse 西海 - Saikai (a city in Nagasaki Prefecture)
  11. 6th Class of Youth Pilots 1940 Graduation Commemorative Watch Fob/1940年第六期少年飛行兵卒業記念章

    Regarding youth pilots https://asiamedals.info/threads/two-pilot-badges-of-6th-class-army-youth-pilot-school-graduate.27084/#post-360231 9th class watch fob https://asiamedals.info/threads/9th-class-of-youth-pilots-1942-graduation-commemorative-watch-fob-1942.27526/ 1st variation. Obverse...
  12. Sea and Sky Association Meritorious Member's Badge/海と空の会有功会員章

    Greater Japan Aviation Women's Association badge of similar design https://asiamedals.info/threads/greater-japan-aviation-womens-association-local-regular-members-badge.26897/ Size 26×18 mm. Weight 4.27 g. Reverse 有功會員章 - Meritorious Member's Badge 海と空の會 - Sea and Sky Association
  13. Technical Training School Kouyukai Membership Badge/技能者養成所航友会章

    Obverse 航友 /Kōtomo/ - lit. "Friend of Aviation [School]" 技能者養成所航友会 - Technical Training School Kouyukai [Aviation school alumni association]
  14. Army Aviation Badge/陸軍航空章

    Anonymous and unidentified as for today. Unmarked variation. Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner.
  15. Army Aviation School 18th B-Class Yokaren Program Graduation Watch Fob/第十八期乙種飛行予科練習生卒業記念章

    Reverse 卒業記念 - Graduation Commemoration 第十八期乙種 - 18th B/Otsu/-Class 飛行予科練習生 - Flight Preparatory Trainee
  16. Suzuka Air Group 49th Class of Reconnaissance Pilots 1940 Graduation Commemorative Watch Fob/1940年鈴鹿海軍航空隊第四十九期偵察練習生卒業記念章

    Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 偵察 - Reconnaissance reverse 昭和十五年九月 - September 1940 鈴鹿海軍航空隊 - Suzuka Air Group /established on October 1, 1938/ 第四十九期偵察練習生 - 49th Class of Reconnaissance Trainee 卒業記念 - Graduation Commemorative Engraved 川谷田 - Kawatani...
  17. Japanese Pilot Badge of Army Flight School 1st Class Graduate Kashide

    Non-commissioned officer's pilot badge in silver. Size 50 x 37 mm. Weight 37 g. Reverse engraved 第一期 - 1st class 樫出 - Kashide Marked 純銀 - pure silver. Original case. 下士官操縦徽章 - Non-commissioned Officer's Pilot Badge
  18. Japanese Officer's Pilot Badges Made in Silver/純銀製将校用操縦徽章

    Silver, gilt. Marked 純銀 - pure silver. Original case. 将校用操縦徽章 - Officer's Pilot Badge
  19. Greater Japan Aviation Boy Scouts Participation Commemorative Badge/大日本飛行少年団参加記念章

    Size 21 mm. Obverse 参加記念章 - Commemorative Badge for Participant reverse 大日本飛行少年團 - Dai Nihon Hikō Shōnen-dan / Greater Japan Aviation Boy Scouts / Dainippon Flight Boy Group
  20. Greater Japan Aviation Women's Association Badge with Red-White-Red Rosette/大日本航空婦人会章

    Interesting badge without clear attribution. Only the original case will help to determine its actual name. Size 35 mm. Reverse 大日本航空婦人會 - Greater Japan Aviation Women's Association