japan wound badge

  1. Badges of Nara Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/奈良県 傷痍軍人会員章

    No. 15? Reverse 奈良県 - Nara Prefecture 傷痍軍人会員章 - Japan Disabled Veterans Association Membership Badge + punched number.
  2. Badges of Kagoshima Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/廣島縣 日本傷痍軍人会章

    1st variation of the badge. No. 732 Obverse Crest of the Shimazu Clan from Kagoshima. reverse 島縣傷軍會 - Kagoshima Prefecture War Wound Association. Screw.
  3. Badges of Hiroshima Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/廣島縣 日本傷痍軍人会章

    No. 1202 Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse Stylized 廣島 - Hiroshima Reverse 廣島縣 - Hiroshima Prefecture.
  4. Badges of Fukushima Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/福島県 日本傷痍軍人会章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 福 for 福島県 - Fukushima Prefecture
  5. Kyoto City Disabled Veterans Association Badge/京都市傷痍軍人會章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 京 - for 京都市 - Kyoto City reverse 信義ヲ誓フ - Oath of Loyalty/Fidelity 京都市傷痍軍人會 - Kyoto City Disabled Veterans Association
  6. Hyogo Prefecture Disabled Veterans Association Membership Badge/兵庫縣傷痍軍人會員章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Reverse 財團法人 - Foundation 兵庫縣 - Hyogo Prefecture 傷痍軍人會員章 - Disabled Veterans Association Membership Badge
  7. Disabled Veterans Wifes Association Numbered Badges/大日本傷痍軍人会徽章

    157 Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 妻 - wife. Reverse has punched number 157.
  8. Badges of Toyonaka City of Disabled Veterans Association/日本傷痍軍人会 豊中市支部章

    Obverse 優功 - Superior Merits/Excellent Performance reverse 豊中市 - Toyonaka City https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyonaka 傷痍軍人会 - Disabled Veterans Association Original case. 記念 - Commemorative 豊中市 - Toyonaka City 傷痍軍人会 - Disabled Veterans Association
  9. Badges of Okayama Prefecture Branch of Disabled Veterans Association/日本傷痍軍人会 岡山県支部章

    Obverse It looks like this is upside-downkanji 岡 for 岡山県 - Okayama Prefecture. Correct position. 岡 reverse 岡山県傷痍軍人会 - Okayama Prefecture Disabled Veterans Association
  10. 3rd General Assembly of Disabled Veterans Association Participant Commemorative Badge/日本傷痍軍人会 第三回大会 参加記念章

    Obverse 第三回大会 - 3rd General Assembly 参加記念章 - Participant Commemorative Badge
  11. Badges of Osaka Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/日本傷痍軍人会 大阪府章

    Only 大阪府 - Osaka on revers.
  12. Japanese Disabled Veterans Association Memorial Ceremony of 1983 Badge/日本傷痍軍人会天皇陛下行幸記念式典章

    Reverse 天皇陛下行幸 - Visit of His Majesty the Emperor 昭和58年 - 1983 記念式典 - Memorial Ceremony 日本傷痍軍人会 Japanese Disabled Veterans Association Marked with Tomei workshop mark https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-labels-and-marks-of-tomei-badges-tomei-kisho.23152/ Original case.
  13. Disabled Veterans Wifes Association Membership Badge/傷痍軍人妻の会徽章

    Several variations of membership badge are known. Approximate size 19-20 mm. 1st variation.
  14. Badges of Hyogo Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/日本傷痍軍人会 兵庫県章

    1st stamp. 1st variation "unnumbered". Obverse 兵 for 兵庫県 - Hyogo Prefecture reverse 傷痍軍人 - Disabled Veterans 兵庫支部 - Hyogo Branch
  15. Wound Badge of 11th Army/第十一軍戰傷徽章

    The Japanese 11th Army /第十一軍戰/ was formed on July 4, 1938 under the Japanese Central China Area Army for the task of conquering and occupying the central provinces of China between the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. The 11th Army played a major role in the Battle of Wuhan. From September...
  16. Wounded Soldier Badge from Nakajima Aircraft Company Ota Plant/中島飛行機太田製作所 傷痍軍人章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/wounded-soldiers-patronage-badge-of-nakajima-aircraft-company-ota-plant.23366/ Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 傷痍 - Wound; Injury reverse 昭和十五年九月制定 - September 1940 傷痍軍人章 - Wounded Soldier Badge 中島飛行機太田製作所 - Nakajima Aircraft Company Ota...