imperial japanese army badges

  1. 34th Infantry Regiment 1935 Battle Flag Festival Award Watch Fob/1935年歩兵第三十五連隊留守隊第三十七回軍旗祭賞章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 第三十七回軍旗祭 - 37th Military Flag Festival 賞 - Award reverse 昭和十年四月四日 - April 4, 1935 歩兵第三十四聯隊留守隊 - 34th Infantry Regiment Garrison Duty Squad
  2. Army Armor Maintenance School Watch Fob/陸軍機甲整備學校章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 機甲- Armor reverse 陸軍機甲整備學校 - Army Armor Maintenance School 第一次 - 1st Class 牽引車學生 - Tractor Student 2602 - 1942
  3. 1939 Machine Gun Officer Candidate Watch Fob/昭和一四年度機関銃幹部候補生章

    Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse MG for Maschinengewehr = Machine Gun reverse 昭和一四年度- 1939 機関銃幹部候補生 - Machine Gun Officer Candidate Case. Watch fob was made by Tokyo workshop 塚本徽章製作所 - Tsukamoto Medal Works.
  4. Army Signal Regiments and Units Badges and Watch Fobs/電信部隊章

    Oberse 渡部隊 - Watari Unit 渡 /Watari/ was the code of 14th Army /第14軍/. Most likely Watari Unit = 2nd Signal Regiment of 14th Army Reverse. Signal unit emblem.
  5. Adachi Garrison Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和十二年安達駐屯記念章

    Reverse 昭和拾貳年 - 1937 安達駐屯 - Garrison Adachi 記念 - Commemorative Independent garrison units emblem.
  6. Yan Xishan Bandits Defeat Commemorative Watch Fob/中代部隊閻匪撃滅記念章

    Quite rare watch fob from personal collection. Obverse Emblem of independent garrison units. reverse 昭和十一年十二月十八日 - December 18, 1936 閻匪撃滅記念 - Yan Bandits Defeat Commemorative /閻 for 閻錫山 - Yan Xishan - Chinese warlord who served in the government of the Republic of China. He effectively...
  7. 1936 Army Large Special Maneuvers Participation Commemorative Badge/大元師陛下御統監 陸軍特別大演習参加紀念章

    Watch fob with a similar design of obverse Obverse 皇軍 - Imperial Army reverse 大元師陛下御統監 - Under Supervision of His Majesty Grand Marshal of the Japanese Empire (i.e. Emperor...
  8. 1936 Army Large Special Maneuvers Commemorative Badge/昭和十ー年十月 陸軍特別大演習記念章

    Obverse 陸軍特別大演習記念章 - Army Large Special Maneuvers Commemorative Badge 昭和十ー年十月 - October 1936
  9. Army Large Special Maneuvers Committee Member Badge/陸軍特別大演習 委員徽章

    Interesting and rare badge. Reverse is marked 花十三 - 13 flowers [workshop]. Even with original we still couldn't determine the place and year of the maneuvers. 陸軍特別大演習 - Army Large Special Maneuvers 委員徽章 - Committee Member Badge 花十三製 - made by 13 flowers [workshop].
  10. 1934 Army Large Special Maneuvers Tochigi Prefecture Administrative Committee Member Badge/陸軍特別大演習 栃木縣事務委員徽章

    Obverse 栃 from 栃木縣 - Tochigi Prefecture reverse 昭和九年 - 1934 陸軍特別大演習 - Army Large Special Maneuvers 事務委員徽章 - Administrative Committee Member Badge 栃木縣 - Tochigi Prefecture Original case. Badge was made Asahi Industry Co., Ltd...
  11. 1914 Army Large Maneuvers Commemorative Watch Fob/大正三年度 陸軍大演習記念章

    大正三年度 - 1914 陸軍大演習記念 - Army Large Maneuvers Commemorative
  12. 1913 Army Large Land Maneuvers in Toyama Prefecture/富山縣啓行方地大演習記念章

    Obverse 啓行方地大演習 - Large Land Maneuvers 記念 - Commemorative reverse 大正三年十一月 - November 1913 富山縣- Toyama Prefecture
  13. 1917 Army Special Large Maneuvers Commemorative Badge /群馬県下陸軍特別大演習記念章

    大正六年陸軍特別大演習 - 1917 Army Special Large Maneuvers 彦根町 - Hikone Town,_Shiga 委員之章 - Committee Member Made by 若林条店 - Wakabayashi store 彦根町 - Hikone Town
  14. Disabled Veteran Identification Badge from 1909/帝國廢兵授産會 廃兵証明章

    30mm Suspension 帝國廢兵授産會 - Imperial Disabled Veterans Sheltered Employment Association Obverse 廃兵証明 -Disabled Soldier Proof [証明 - proof; verification; certification] Reverse 非廃兵佩用嚴禁 - Forbidden to Use by Non-Disabled Veterans 明治四十二年一月旋行 - January 1909 Trip [travel, journey]
  15. Hyogo Prefecture Disabled Veterans Association Badges/兵庫県廢兵聯合會章

    Reverse 兵庫県廢兵聯合會 - Hyogo Prefecture Disabled Veterans Association 會員章 - Member Badge Original case.
  16. 1934 Army Special Large Maneuvers in Kanto Commemorative Watch Fob/陸軍特別大演習参加記念章

    Beautifully executed badges. 1st variation. 昭和九年度 - 1934 陸軍特別大演習参加記念 - Army Special Large Maneuvers Participation Commemorative + Map of Kanto area. Specimen with practically intact original blackening.
  17. 1936 Army Large Maneuvers in Hokkaido Commemorative Watch Fob/陸軍大演習記念章

    1st variation. Reverse 陸軍 - Army 大演習 - Large Maneuvers 昭和十一年 - 1936 Reverse also has map of Hokkaido, Original case. 大演習記念 - Large Maneuvers Commemorative
  18. Kumamoto Army NCO Training School Graduation Commemorative Watch Fobs/熊本陸軍教導学校卒業記念章

    Reverse 熊本陸軍教導學校 - Kumamoto Army Training School (Imperial Ordinance No. 212 of 1927 ) was enacted, and the Army Training Schools wereestablished under the supervision of the Inspector General of Education to train non-commissioned officer candidates for the infantry by Imperial Ordinance No...
  19. Army Military Affairs Merit Badge (type 1932)/軍事功労章

    1st type of the badge was introduced on April 25, 1932. Original description and line drawings. 1st variation. Obverse 軍事功労章 - military affairs merit badge Original case.