imperial army badge

  1. Army Commemorative Badge with Rosette

    Precise attribution remains unknown.
  2. Mito Army Flight School Graduation Commemorative Watch Fobs/水戸陸軍飛行学校卒業記念章

    Rare watch fobs with interesting design. Obverse 戦技 - Combat Skills reverse 皇紀二六〇一年 - 1941 水戸陸軍飛行學第六期 - Mito Army Flight School 6th Class 陸軍航空通信學校第一期 - Army Aviation Signal School 1st Class (established in August 1940 as part of the Mito Army Flight School and moved to a new facility...
  3. 4th Guards Regiment Kendo Watch Fobs/近衛歩兵第四連隊尚武章

    Silvered version. 1st variation. Obverse 尚武 - Warlike Spirit reverse 近衛歩兵第四聯隊 - 4th Guards Regiment
  4. Military Service Commemorative Watch Fob/従軍記念章

    Engraved 従軍記念 - Military Service/Campaign Commemorative
  5. Cavalry Special Maneuvers Commemorative Watch Fobs/騎兵特別演習記念章

    Reverse 大正二年十月 - October 1913 騎兵特別演習記念 - Cavalry Special Maneuvers Commemorative 参加 - Participated [Units] 騎兵第一旅團 - 1st Cavalry Brigade 騎兵第二旅團 - 2nd Cavalry Brigade 騎兵第三旅團 - 3rd Cavalry Brigade 近衛騎兵聯隊 - Guard Cavalry Regiment 騎兵第一聯隊 - 1st Cavalry Regiment 騎兵第二聯隊 - 2nd Cavalry Regiment
  6. 1927 Imperial Army Special Large Maneuvers Commemorative Watch Fobs/昭和貳年十一月大日本帝國陸軍特別大演習記念章

    1st variation. Obverse 大日本 - Great Japan 帝國陸軍特別大演習 - Imperial Army Special Large Maneuvers 記念章 - Commemorative Badge 昭和貳年十一月 - November 1927
  7. 1932 Army Special Large Maneuvers Participation Commemorative Badge/昭和七年十一月陸軍特別大演習参加記念章

    Size 35x28 mm. Obverse 南軍 第四 第十六 師團 - South Army: 4th and 16th Divisions 北軍 第三 第五 師團 - North Army: 3rd and 5th Divisions 名古屋 - Nagoya 第三師團 - 3rd Division 大阪 - Osaka 第四師團 - 4th Division 廣島 - Hiroshima 第五師團 - 5th Division 京都 - Kyoto 第十六師團 - 16th Division reverse 昭和七年十一月 - November 1932...
  8. Youth Training Faithful Service Award Badge from Ministry of the Army/陸軍省青年訓練忠勤記念賞章

    Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 青年訓練 - Youth Training 忠勤記念 - Faithful /Loyal/ Service Commemorative Marked 純銀 - pure silver 陸軍省 - Ministry of the Army Original case. 記念 - Commemorative 陸軍省 - Ministry of the Army
  9. 10th Anniversary of Youth Training Award Badge from Ministry of the Army/陸軍省青年訓練十周年記念賞章

    Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 青年訓練 - Youth Training 十周年記念 - 10th Anniversary Commemorative 陸軍省 - Ministry of the Army Marked 純銀 - pure silver. Original case. 青[年]訓[練]十周年 - Youth Training 10th Anniversary 記念 - Commemorative 陸軍省 - Ministry of the Army
  10. 13th Engineer Batallion, 3rd Company Northen Korea Commemorative Watch Fob/北韓工一三ノ三記念章

    Reverse 北韓 - Northen Korea 工一三ノ三 - 13th Engineer Batallion, 3rd Company 記念章 - Commemorative Badge
  11. Japanese Imperial Army Budo Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs/帝國陸軍武道章

    Obverse 武 for 武道 - Budo ("Martial Way"; "Way of War"; "Way of Martial Arts") Reverse 大正十五年 - 1926 第八師團 - 8th Division 競技大會 - Tournament
  12. Independent Garrison Unit Watch Fob/独立守備隊章

    Anonymous. Mix of two designs and At the same time emblem of japanese independent...
  13. Manchuria Independent Garrison Unit Commemorative Badges "Woodlouse" Design/満州獨立守備隊紀念章

    1st variation. Reverse 満州獨立 - Manchuria Independent 守備隊紀念 - Garrison Unit Commemorative
  14. Independent Garrison Units Commemorative Badges/獨立守備隊記念章

    1st variation. Reverse 獨立守備隊 - Independent Garrison Unit 記念章 - Commemorative Badge
  15. Eastern Road Bandits Subjugation Commemorative Watch Fob/東辺道討伐記念章

    See also Reverse 東辺道 - Eastern Road/Dōngbian/ (road in Liaoning Province, see東辺道) 討伐 - Subjugation [of Bandits/Guerrillas] 記念 - Commemorative
  16. Binjiang Province Tumen-Jiamusi Railway Defense Commemorative Watch Fob/浜江省圖佳線守備紀念章

    Obverse 一死報國 - Dying for One's Country reverse 浜江省圖佳線守備紀念 - Binjiang Province Tumen-Jiamusi Railway Defense Commemorative 浜江省/濱江省/Binjiang Province was one of the provinces of Manchukuo. Binjiang was founded on December 1, 1934 and was dissolved in August 1945. Binjiang had a mix of...
  17. Manchurian Incident Garrison Service Commemorative Watch Fobs/満州事變満洲守備記念章

    1st variant of design. Obverse 満洲守備 - Manchuria Garrison [Service] 記念- Commemorative reverse 満州事變 - Manchurian Incident 昭和六年九月十八日 - September 18, 1932 (four dates of the four events) March 1, 1932 - Establishment of the Manchukuo State September 15, 1932 - Signing of the...
  18. Mori Unit Award Watch Fob/間島省延吉森部隊賞章

    Obverse 賞 - Award (obviously for kendo tournament) reverse 間島省 - Jiandao 延吉 - Yanji 森部隊 - Mori Unit
  19. Jilin, Jiandao, Tonghua Bandits Subjugation Commemorative Watch Fob/北地區討伐隊行動地域三省討伐紀念章

    Obverse 吉林, 間島, 通化 - Jilin, Jiandao, Tonghua 三省討伐紀念 - Three Provinces Subjugation Commemorative 大討匪 - Great Defeat of Bandits 自昭和十四年至昭和十五年 - From 1939 until 1940 reverse 北地區討伐隊行動地域 - North Region Subjugation Force Area of Operations 徳弘部隊 - Tokuhiro Corps
  20. Shiba Ward Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Officer's Badge/帝国在郷軍人會 芝区分会役員之章

    Reverse 芝區分会 - Shiba Ward Branch of Association 役員之章 - Officer/Official Badge Original case. Same insciption as on the badge reverse + handwritten 甲 - 1st [class/grade].