friends of the military association badge

  1. Kofu City 2nd Branch of the Friends of the Military Association Honorary Member's Badge/甲府市第二軍友會名譽會員徽章

    Group from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 軍友會 - Friends of the Military Association reverse 甲府市第二軍友會 - Kofu City 2nd Friends of the Military Association 名譽會員徽章 - Honorary Member's Badge Original case. 名譽會員徽章 - Honorary Member's Badge 甲府市第二軍友會...
  2. Minami Kudara Friends of the Military Association Badge/大阪市住吉区南百済軍友会章

    Once again Army War College graduation badge design was used Obverse 軍友會 - Friends of the Military Association reverse 南百済軍友會 - Minami Kudara [Village] Friends of the Military Association 大阪市住吉區 - Sumiyoshi Ward...
  3. Flags of the Friends of the Military Association/会友会旗

    Size 94 x 67.5 cm. 宮城縣桃生郡 - Miyagi Prefecture, Monou District 大谷地村軍友會 - Oyachi Village Friends of the Military Association
  4. Friends of the Military Association Vice Chairman's Badge/副会長友会章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 軍友 - Friends of the Military 副會長 - Vice Chairman
  5. Greater Japan Friends of the Military Association Officer's Badge/大日本軍友會役員之章

    Obverse 軍友 - Friends of the Military reverse 大日本軍友會 - Greater Japan Friends of the Military Association 役員之章 - Officer's Badge
  6. Matsunaga Town Friends of the Military Association Badge/松永町軍友会章

    Obverse 松永町- Matsunaga Town 軍友會 - Friends of the Military Association Original case. 御徽章 - Honor Badge キシヨウ堂造 - made by Kishodo workshop
  7. Friends of the Military Association Badge/軍友会章

    Obverse 軍友 for 軍友会 - Friends of the Military Association.
  8. Ueda City Friends of the Military Association Badge/上田市軍友会章

    Obverse 上田 - Ueda 軍友會 - Friends of the Military Association Case.
  9. Toki City Group of Imperial Friends of the Military Association Badge/帝国軍友会土岐群連合会章

    Reverse 帝國軍友會 - Imperial Friends of the Military Association 土岐群聯合會 - Toki Group/Union of Association Toki /土岐市, Toki-shi/ is a city located in Gifu prefecture.
  10. Friends of the Military Association Badge/軍友会章

    1st variation. 1st subvariation. Obverse 軍友會 - Friends of the Military Association 2nd subvariation.
  11. Imperial Friends of the Military Association Member's Badge/帝国軍友会会員徽章

    See also Size 37 X 28 mm. Reverse 帝国軍友會 - Imperial Friends of the Military Association 會員徽章 - Membership Badge
  12. Friends of the Military and Comrades in Arms Associations Badges with Imperial Reservist Association Emblem
  13. Shibata Regimental District Friends of the Military Association Badge/新発田連隊区軍友会章

    Size 25 mm. Obverse 軍友 - Friends of the Military reverse 新発田聯隊區 - Shibata Regimental District case 軍友徽章 - Friends of the Military Association Badge 新発田聯隊區 - Shibata Regimental District
  14. Anonymous Badges of Friends of the Military Association/軍友会章

    These badges are "anonymous" in the sense that they carry only the name of association. Obverse 軍友 - Friends of the Military