фрачная миниатюра русского императорского ордена

  1. Miniature Mosaic Medal Bar of Diplomat Andrey Yakovlevich Italinsky

    Gold, mosaic. Size 66 x 17 mm. Weight 30 g. Breast stars of the order of St. Alexander Nevsky, order Saint Vladimir, Polish order of White Eagle and Ottoman Empire order of the Crescent. Collection of Museum of the Legion of Honor, Paris. See also similar miniature mosaic medal bar from the...
  2. Miniatures of a Danish Sculptor Albert Bertel Thorvaldsen

    Stunningly designed miniature group of 14 orders. Gold, silver, enamel. Height 82 mm. Collection of Thorvaldsen Museum, Copenhagen. Order Pour le Merité, Prussia /civil division/. Knight of the Order of the Iron Crown Austria. Dannebrog order breast star...