air defense maneuvers badges

  1. Takami Air Raid Defense Corps Air Defense Maneuvers Diligent Service Badge/高見防護分團防空勤功章

    Obverse 防空 - Air Defense reverse 勤功章 - Diligent Service Badge 昭和九年乃至 - From 1934 十三年度防空演習 - Until 1938 Air Defense Maneuvers 高見防護分團 - Takami Air Raid Defense Corps Case. Label of H.K.D. workshop See...
  2. Hanshin Air Defense Maneuvers Hirasato Branch Participant Badge/阪神防空演習平里分団参加章

    Obverse 防空紀念 - Air Defense Commemorative 平里分団 - Hirasato Branch reverse 参加章 - Participant Badge 阪神防空演習 - Hanshin Air Defense Maneuvers 昭和十一年度 - 1936
  3. Ebara Ward Air Raid Defense Corps Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Badge/空防荏原區防護分團參加章

    Obverse 空防 - Air Defense 參加章 - Participation Badge reverse 昭和十二年十一月 - November 1937 荏原區防護分團 - Ebara (Shinagawa District, Tokyo) Ward Air Raid Defense Corps
  4. 1935 Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Nihonbashi Ward Commemorative Badge/日本橋區第四分團 防空演習参加記念章

    Reverse 昭和十年度 - 1935 防空演習参加記念章 - Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Commemorative Badge 日本橋區第四分團 - 4th Branch of Nihonbashi Ward Original case.
  5. 1938 Semba Air Raid Defense Corps Commendation Badge/船場防護分團表彰章

    Obverse 表彰 - Commendation reverse 昭和十三年七月 - July 1938 船場防護分團 - Semba Air Raid Defense Corps
  6. "Kite Design" Kinki Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Сommemorative Badges/近畿防空大演習防空参加記念章

    Badge with a similar design 1st variation. Obverse 防空参加 - Air Defense Participation 記念 - Commemorative reverse 昭和九年七月 - July 1934 今宮第四防護分團 - Imamiya Fourth Air Raid Defense Corps
  7. 1934 Kinki Air Defense Maneuvers Yurin Air Raid Defense Corps Сommemorative Badge/近畿防空大演習 有隣防護分団記念章

    Nicely designed badge. Specimen from personal collection. Obverse 記念章 - Commemorative Badge reverse 昭和九年七月 - July 1934 近畿防空大演習 - Kinki Air Defense Maneuvers 朝香宮殿下 賜御台覧 - Inspected by the His Imperial Highness Prince Asaka Yasuhiko 有隣防護分團 - Yurin Air Raid Defense Corps
  8. 1935 Minamiurae Air Raid Defense Corps Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Commemorative Badge/南浦江防護分團 防空演習參加章

    Obverse 防空 - Air Defense Maneuvers Participant Badge reverse 防空演習參加 - Air Defense Maneuvers Participation 記念章 - Commemorative Badge 大阪市 - Osaka Сity 南浦江防護分團 - Minamiurae Air Raid Defense Corps 2595 = 1935 Nice design.
  9. Karabori Air Defense Maneuvers Participant Commemorative Badge/昭和拾二年度 防空空堀 参加記念章

    Obverse Osaka city emblem. 防空 - Air Defense Maneuvers 空堀 - Karabori 参加記念章 - Participant Commemorative Badge [昭和]拾二年度 = 1937
  10. Fukui National Defense Association Badge/国防福井国防協會章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. 國防 - National Defense 福井国防協會 - Fukui National Defense Association
  11. Sugaminami Air Raid Defense Corps Participant Commemorative Badge/菅南防護分團 防空訓練参加記念章

    Obverse Emblem of Osaka City Air Raid Defense Corps 菅南 - Sugaminami reverse 菅南防護分團 - Sugaminami Air Raid Defense Corps 防空訓練参加記念章 - Commemorative Badge for Participation in Air Defense Training 2598 = 1938
  12. Nagoya Boys Union Air Defense Maneuvers Participant Badge/名古屋少年聯盟 防空演習參加章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Reverse 防空演習參加章 - Air Defense Maneuvers Participant Badge 名古屋少年聯盟 - Nagoya Boys Union 昭和四年七月 - July 1929
  13. National Defense Nagasaki Prefecture Branch Badge/國防長崎縣章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 國防 - National Defence 長崎縣 - Nagasaki Prefecture Badge
  14. Kogata National Defense Volunteer Team Badge/小型國防義勇團章

    Obverse 小型 - Kogata Around the perimeter 國防 - National Defense 義勇團 - Volunteer Team
  15. Membership Badge of Aomori Prefecture National Defence Council/青森縣國防會會員徽章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 國防 - National Defense reverse 會員徽章 - Membership Badge 青森縣國防會 - Aomori Prefecture National Defence Council
  16. Mokpo (Korea) Air Defense Badges/木浦防空章

    Rare Korean badges. Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 木浦 - Mokpo, South Jeolla Province, South Korea /Mokpo (Korean: 목포) is the third largest and most densely populated city in South Jeolla Province, South Korea, located at the southwestern tip of the Korean...
  17. Late War Japanese Air Defense Badges

    Plastic. Photo courtesy of the owner.
  18. Kanazawa Air Raid Protection Badge/防護金澤章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 防護 - Protection 金澤 - Kanazawa
  19. 1937 Osaka Air Defense Maneuvers Commemorative Participation Badge/錦防護分団 防空演習参加記念章

    Badge with similar design Obverse 護 - Protection 錦防護分團 - Nishiki Air Raid Defense Corps Branch reverse 昭和十二年度 - 1937 防空演習参加記念章 - Participation in Air Defense...
  20. Kyoto Air Defense Surveillance Team Member Badge/京都府防空監視哨員之章

    Obverse 防空 - Air defense 監視 - Surveillance; Observation 京都府 - Kyoto reverse 哨員之章 - Sentinel Member Badge 防空監視 - Air Defense Surveillance Original case.