
  1. Human Bullet Watch Fob/肉弾章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 肉弾 - Human Bullet https://asiamedals.info/threads/japans-most-beloved-suicide-bombers-the-nikudan-sanyushi-phenomenon-1932-1945.25897/
  2. 25th Anniversary of Russo-Japanese War Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和五年日露戦役二十五周年記念章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Height 27.5 mm. Width 24.1 mm. Weight 7.6 g. Obverse 肉弾 /Nikudan/ Human Bullet After the Russo–Japanese war (1904–05), Tadayoshi Sakurai (1879–1965), an army lieutenant, wrote a war literature Nikudan (Human Bullets): the record of the battle of Port Arther...