Exemplary late war full set. Medal was issued on January 7, 1943.
Original case. Silver kanjis https://asiamedals.info/threads/silver-kanji-vs-gold-kanji-lettering-on-the-lids-of-the-japanese-order-cases.26112/
1943 dark blue ribbon medal of honor
dark blue ribbon medal of honor marked m
japanese dark blue ribbon medal of honor
japanese medal of honor marked m
japanese medal with mark m
In the first post-war years Decoration Bureau of the Cabinet Office issued medals on a dark blue ribbon with an unusual (wide instead of a typical narrow) bars and with kanji 賜 - received [by]/granted [to] on their reverses (regular medals on a dark blue ribbon have no inscriptions)...
About mark N https://asiamedals.info/threads/mark-n-on-japanese-orders-and-medals-who-and-when.14995/
Dark Blue Ribbon medal marked N awarded on January 28, 1930.
Medal bar of secondary awarding.
dark blue ribbon medal of honor marked n
japanese medal marked n
japanese medals and awards
japanese ribbon medal of honor marked n
mark n
marked japanese medal
About mark ヒ https://asiamedals.info/threads/mark-hi-on-japanese-orders-and-medals-when-and-who.22787/
Dark Blue Ribbon medal marked ヒ awarded on November 22, 1920.
dark blue ribbon medal of honor
dark blue ribbon medal of honor marked hi
dark blue ribbon medal of honor marked ヒ
japanese medal marked ヒ
japanese medal with mark hi
1942 dark blue ribbon medal of honor
dark blue ribbon medal of honor
dark blue ribbon medal of honor marked m
japanese medal marked m
japanese medal of honor
mark m
About the collection
All medals are unissued (i.e. without engraved dates and names).
Red ribbon.
Dimensions: 3 1/8 × 1 3/8 in. (7.9 × 3.5 cm)
japanese award meda
japanese medal
japanese medal of honour
japanese medal on red ribbon
japanese medal on ribbon
medals of honor
meiji era