
  1. South Manchurian Railway Company Manchurian Incident Commemorative Sumida Railway Armored Car Paperweight/南満洲鉄道株式会社満洲事变記念文鎮

    Size 220 x 101 mm. Height 110 mm. Weight 217.5 g.
  2. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Officer Award Badges/都民の警官表彰記念章

    The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Officer Award /都民の警察官 , lit. Citizen's Policeman/ was established in 1952. The award is presented annually to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department police officers. A special committee selects outstanding police officers recommended by the Tokyo Metropolitan...
  3. 1929 Emperor Visit to Osaka Prefecture and Osaka City Commemorative Badges/昭和四年大阪府大阪市行幸記念章

    Obverse 奉御 - Emperor Visit 大阪府 -Osaka Prefecture reverse 昭和四年 - 1929 Original case. Badges were manufactured by Osaka-based workshop Ikoma https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-marks-and-history-of-ikoma-workshop.20961/
  4. Nippon Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Meritorious Deed Award Badges/日本生命保瞼株式會社殊勲貮級賞章

    2nd class badge. Suspension reverse 皇紀二五九七年 - 1937 Badge reverse 二十五億圓達成 - 2500000000 Yens Achieved 殊勲賞 - Meritorious Deed Award Marked with Ikoma workshop mark https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-marks-and-history-of-ikoma-workshop.20961 + 張. Original case. 二十五億圓達成 - 2500000000...
  5. 17th National Secondary School Sumo Tournament Official's Badge/第十七回全国中等学校相撲大会役員章

    Silver watch fob in the form of gunbai /軍配/ - umpire's fan in sumo wrestling. Reverse 第十七回 - 17th 全国中等学校相撲大會 - National Secondary School Sumo Tournament 役員章 - Official's Badge 大阪毎日新聞社 - Osaka Mainichi Shimbun...
  6. 1932 Army Large Special Maneuvers Watch Fob/昭和七年十一月 陸軍特別大演習 行幸警護記念章

    Reverse 陸軍特別大演習 - Army Large Special Maneuvers 行幸警護 - Emperor Guard 記念 - Commemorative 昭和七年十一月 - November 1932 大阪府 - Osaka Prefecture Marked 純銀 - pure silver.
  7. Patriotic Сufflinks and Obidome with National Flag made by Ikoma workshop

    Set of obidome and cufflinks. Made by Ikoma workshop. Another such set https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-marks-and-history-of-ikoma-workshop.20961/
  8. Badges, Marks and History of Ikoma Workshop/生駒時計店

    Marks. Labels. Insert. The history of this Osaka workshop begins in 1870 when Gonshichi Ikoma/権七生駒/ opened his workshop specializing in watches and jewelry. Original building. Even original sign has survived to this day. Between two pretty well fed we observe...