
  1. Special Imperial Audience Commemorative Badge/特別拝謁記念章

    特別拝謁記念 - Special Audience Commemorative /拝謁 - Haietsu, having an audience with someone of very high social standing (e.g. the emperor)/ Marked with "K18" for 750th gold and Ikoma workshop mark https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-marks-and-history-of-ikoma-workshop.20961/ Original case...
  2. Badges, Marks and History of Ikoma Workshop/生駒時計店

    Marks. Labels. Insert. The history of this Osaka workshop begins in 1870 when Gonshichi Ikoma/権七生駒/ opened his workshop specializing in watches and jewelry. Original building. Even original sign has survived to this day. Between two pretty well fed we observe...