
  1. 15th Anniversary of Imperial Edict Regarding Army Officers Appointment to Schools Commemorative Badge/岡山縣中等學陸軍現役将枝學枝配属令公布十五年記念拝受者章

    Badge from 1940. Obverse 御視閲記念 - Imperial Inspection Commemorative reverse 陸軍現役将枝學枝 - Army Active Duty Officers School Assignment Ordinance 配属令公布十五年記念 - Commemorating the 15th Anniversary of the Edict Promulgation 岡山縣中等學 - Okayama Prefecture Middle School 拝受者章 - Recipient's Badge...
  2. 1930 Army Large Maneuvers in Okayama Imperial Visit Commemorative Badge/都窪郡聯合分會 大演習行幸記念章

    Obverse 大演習記念 - Large Maneuvers Commemorative reverse 都窪郡聯合分會 - Tsukubo District Union Branch Association 昭和五年十一月 - November 1930
  3. Badges and watch fobs made by Okayama Emblem Works/岡山標記製作所徽章部

    Workshop from Okayama workshop. Active since 1930s. Today's look of the workshop. Three variants of workshop label are known for today. 岡山標記製作所 - Okayama Emblem Works /標記 - mark; symbol; sign; emblem/