
  1. Blue Ribbon Medal of Honor awarded in 1977

    Awarded on November 3, 1977 to 谷口寛一郎 - Taniguchi Kan'ichirō Original case.
  2. Blue Ribbon Medal of Honor awarded in 1998

    Awarded on November 3, 1998 to 照井敏彦 - Terui Toshihiko Marked TA. Original case.
  3. Blue Ribbon Medal of Honor awarded in 1944

    Interesting late war awarding. Engraved with a date February 11, 1944. Unmarked. Reverse engraved 富生藤吉 - Tomio Tōkichi /he was awarded with Blue Ribbon medal for rendering distinguished services to rice farming in Hokkaido, Shibetsu City, Tayori Town/ Original case with gold kanji...
  4. Two Blue Ribbon Medals of Honor of Two Different Types awarded to the Two Members of Nagashima Family

    Interesting group. First medal was awarded on April 3, 1971. Reverse engraved 永島豊次郎 - Toyojirō Nagashima Case.
  5. Blue Ribbon Medal of Honor awarded in 1885

    Early medal. Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner. Awarded on March 9, 1885 (medal was established in 1881, first medals were issued in 1882) to Nakamichi Daikichi /中道代吉/. Very early case.
  6. Blue Ribbon Medal of Honor awarded in 1959

    Awarded on July 10, 1959 to Katayama Ryouhei /片山良平/. 540 blue ribbons were awarded in 1959.
  7. 4th class Rising Sun order awarded in 1970

    Model post war set from 1970. Awarded to 並川清忠 - Namikawa Kiyotada on April 29, 1970. Details. Document.
  8. Medals of Honor from the collection of Metropolitan Museum of Art

    About the collection https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-golden-kite-from-the-collection-of-metropolitan-museum-of-art.10721 All medals are unissued (i.e. without engraved dates and names). Red ribbon. Dimensions: 3 1/8 × 1 3/8 in. (7.9 × 3.5 cm)