Wurttembergian Order of the Hunt/St.-Hubertus-Jagdorden/Herzoglich Württembergischer Ritterorden von der Jagd

The Order was originally established in 1702 by Duke Eberhard IV of Württemberg as the the Hunting Order of St. Hubert or Order of the Hunt /St.-Hubertus-Jagdorden or Herzoglich Württembergischer Ritterorden von der Jagd/. Order was named after St. Hubert, the patron saint of the hunt. The order's motto was

Virtutis Amicitiae Que Foedus = The League of Friendship and Virtue = Bund der Freundschaft und der Treue.​

Central medallion has a monogram "Crowned FR" for Fridericus Rex.

Original official line drawings of the order cross from 1805.

Württembergian Order of the Hunt.jpg

Württembergian  Order of the Hunt.jpg

Original official line drawing of the order breast star from 1805.

Württembergian Order of the Hunt breast star.jpg

The order was reorganized on March 6, 1807 by Friedrich I and renamed the "Order of the Golden Eagle". The order's old motto was retained.

order was conferred upon royalty, members of the nobility, and senior civil servants who held a rank that was equivalent to at least a Field Marshal Lieutenant. Originally, Knights of the order were required to have noble ancestry that dated back at least 16 generations, but this requirement was removed in November 1812. The decoration was conferred upon royalty, such as sovereign princes, as a means to pay tribute to and demonstrate the friendship between the two parties. Members of the nobility and others received the decoration as a reward for virtue and merit.​

The number of Knights admitted to the order was limited to 50, not including members of the king’s family and the members of the reigning prince's family. The children of the king were entitled to receive the order after they were baptized; the king’s first son received the decoration after his first full year of life; the king’s other sons and the uncle of the crown prince received the decoration at the age of 7. The remaining princes of the royal family received the order when they turned 14.

Every recipient of the order was required to conduct himself with dignity and honor, in order to further the reputation of the order. In addition, members of the order were to live in peace with one another, and they were also required to care for and be charitable to the poor.

As master of the order, the king alone decided who was conducted into the order.

On September 23, 1818 the Order of the Golden Eagle was combined with the Order of Civil Merit to create the Order of the Württemberg Crown.

Unique set that was awarded to Napoleon Bonaparte from the collection of State Historical Museum in Moscow /see also https://asiamedals.info/threads/ord...1807-to-napoleon-bonaparte.25694/#post-363009 and https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-the-elephant-awarded-in-1808-to-napoleon-bonaparte.25466/

Cross that was awarded to Napoleon Bonaparte on October 9, 1805. See also his second cross from Museum of the Legion of Honor collection in Paris https://asiamedals.info/threads/two-wurttembergian-orders-of-the-hunt-of-napoleon-bonaparte.28420/

Gold, enamel.

Württembergian  Order of the  Hunt.jpg

Breast star.

Württembergian Order of the Hunt breast star.jpg

St.-Hubertus-Jagdorden medallion.jpg

Cross on display.

l’Aigle d’or du  Wurtemberg de l’Empereur Napoléon.jpg
Cross that belonged to Jerome Bonaparte, the youngest brother of Napoleon I, who received it on October 9, 1805.

Gold, enamel.
Size 65 mm.
Weight 80 g.

Practically identical to Napoleon's cross. Has remarkable trumpet-shaped ring and still has aluminum inventory label of the Napoleonic collections n° 1898.

Since 2019 in the collection of the Musée de la Légion d'honneur, Paris.

Cross that belonged to Jerome Bonaparte.jpg

Cross that belonged to Jerome  Bonaparte.jpg

Cross that  belonged to Jerome Bonaparte.jpg
Same cross under a different light.

St.-Hubertus-Jagdorden  Jerome Bonaparte, the youngest brother.jpg

Note that reverse medallion has stylized image of three hunting horns instead of an eagle.

St.-Hubertus-Jagdorden Jerome Bonaparte, the youngest brother of Napoleon I.jpg
Very interesting plate from the "Histoire générale des ordres de chevalerie civils et militaires existans en Europe".
Order of the Golden Eagle collar and a breast star /as we know in 1807 St.-Hubertus-Jagdorden was renamed Ritterorden vom Goldenen Adler/.

Histoire  générale des ordres de chevalerie.jpg

Histoire générale des ordres de chevalerie.jpg

Histoire générale des  ordres de chevalerie.jpg

Histoire générale des ordres de  chevalerie.jpg

Gold, enamel.
Size 69 mm.
Weight 54.2 g.

Fake  Wurttembergian Order of the Hunt.jpg

Fake Wurttembergian Order of the Hunt.jpg
Another quality modern fake in gold à la "1807 Royal Grand Order of the Golden Eagle".

Gold, enamel.
Weight 58.2 g.

Fake Wurttembergian Order of the  Hunt.jpg

Fake Wurttembergian Order of the Hunt.jpg
  • Tags
    jagdorden jerome bonaparte order of the hunt l’aigle d’or du wurtemberg de l’empereur napoléon napoleon bonaparte order of the hunt napoleon i order of the hunt order of the hunt royaume de wurtemberg ordre de la chasse st.-hubertus-jagdorden wurtemberg ordre de la chasse wurttemberg hunting order wurttemberg order of the hunt wurttembergian hunting order wurttembergian order of the hunting württembergischer ritterorden von der jagd орден охоты вюртенберг орден охоты наполеона бонопарта
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