The Nobel Brothers Oil Production Partnership Jeton/Жетон товарищества [нефтяного производства] братьевъ Нобель

Gold, silver, enamel.

The Nobel Brothers Partnership Jeton..jpg
The Nobel Brothers Partnership Jeton.jpg

Named to Max Knodel.

Tanker (possibly the Zoroaster).


Marked ES for Eduard Schramm, St. Petersburg.

ES for Eduard Schramm, St. Petersburg..jpg

The Petroleum Production Company Nobel Brothers, Limited, or Branobel (short for Братьев Нобель/"Nobel Brothers" in Russian), was an oil company set up by Ludvig Nobel and Baron Peter von Bilderling. It operated mainly in Baku, Azerbaijan, but also in Cheleken, Turkmenistan. Originally established by Robert Nobel (who contributed 25,000 rubles) and the investments of barons Peter von Bilderling (300,000 rubles) and Standertskjöld (150,000 rubles) as a distillery in 1876, it became, during the late-19th century, one of the largest oil-companies in the world. Between 1877 and 1901, the company drilled over 500 wells, produced 150 million barrels of oil, and employed 12,000 workers.​
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