"Steel Helmets Under the Japanese Flag" Pen Stand

進む日の丸 鉄兜 - [Warriors] wearing steel helmets under the Japanese flag


This line is taken from the famous song.

Roei no Uta​

勝って来るぞと 勇ましく
ちかって故郷を 出たからは
手柄たてずに 死なりょうか
進軍ラッパ 聴くたびに
瞼に浮かぶ 旗の波

土も草木も 火と燃える
果てなき曠野 踏みわけて
進む日の丸 鉄兜
馬のたてがみ なでながら
明日の命を 誰が知る

弾丸もタンクも 銃剣も
しばし露営の 草まくら
夢に出てきた 父上に
死んで還れと 励まされ
醒めて睨むは 敵の空

思えば今日の 戦闘に
朱に染まって にっこりと
笑って死んだ 戦友が
天皇陛下 万歳と
残した声が 忘らりょか

戦する身は かねてから
捨てる覚悟で いるものを
ないてくれるな 草の虫
東洋平和の ためならば
なんの命が 惜しかろか

Variant of translation.

Field Encampment Song​

To prevail and return
home with courage.
Is why we have left
our home country
Vowing to achieve
glory, or die trying
When we heard the army trumpet
We looked up and before us, our flag was waving

With soil, vegetation scorched by fire
Across the vastness of barren
Wastelands, we march
Our steel helmets, along with the rising sun, they advance
stroking the mane of my horse, I wondered:
Who knows what tomorrow
Life will Bring me?

Among bullets, tanks and bayonets
we rested on pillows of grass,
in our field barracks
and in a dream,
my father appeared to me
calling me to return to
him when I fall in combat
then I woke up, staring at the enemy sky

Ah I remember yesterday's skirmish
soaked in blood,
my comrade was sweetly smiling
As he lay dying, he shouted his joyous final cry
Tenno Heika Banzai!
How could I ever forget there words?
Which are still with me
Our bodies are ready for battle
And we cast away any useless needs
Do not cry for us, oh insects of the grass
For the sake of peace in East Asia
What Sacrifice is too great?
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    ija pen stand japanese army pen stand japanese pen stand
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