Regrettably no account appears to have survived of the manner in which Sir David received his insignia, Theodore Hook referring only to a meeting with the Pacha on 15 May 1802, at which Baird was presented with a magnificent sabre and silver saddle (vol. 2, pp. 57-58). However, an entertaining description of the investiture of some Naval recipients appeared in The Naval Chronicle of 1802:
"On the morning of 8th [October 1801], the Admiral, accompanied by the Turkish Admiral of the Gallies, and suite, and those Officers of the Navy who had been particularly selected, proceeded from General Hutchinson’s tent, to the tent of His Highness the Captain [Capitan] Pacha, and were received by the whole Turkish line, under arms, with music playing and colours flying. When we alighted and approached the tent (which was open in the front), we observed the Captain Pacha (seated upon a maginificent sopha), attended by the Pacha of Egypt, the Chief General of His Highness’s Army, and Reis Effendi. The three latter were seated on each side of the sopha; The Admiral on the right of the Captain Pacha. The Generals of the Turkish army and navy stood at the back of our chairs; behind them were ranged His Highness’s retinue, arrayed in their different badges of distinction; and round the tent, in front, were drawn up his bodyguard.
His Highness was dressed in a white robe of beautiful satin, over which was the robe of state, worn only on particular occasions, made of the finest red cloth, and on it was placed, below the breast, two aigrettes of large diamonds; and in a sash of rich satin, round his waist, was a fixed dagger, the handle of which was so thickly covered with diamonds, as to render it impossible to discover of what other materials it was made. On his head he wore a superb turban, with rows of pearls placed on the different folds. His rich dress, his venerable appearance, having a long black beard, which he was continually stroking, altogether a most interesting figure. The other Grandees that were seated on the same sopha were as magnificently dressed in all respects, excepting the red robe.
Having first been served with coffee and sweetmeats according to custom, the ceremony began by His Highness investing the Admiral with a Pellice, the Star and Red Ribband, and the Medal of the Order of the Crescent; all of which being properly arranged, he was desired to kneel, at which time the Grand Seignior’s Firman edict was read, empowering his Highness to confer the honour of Knighthood, which was immediately performed on the Admiral, upon whose rising a royal salute was fired, and other demonstrations of satisfaction agreeable to the Turkish custom. The Star is most beautifully set with diamonds, and the Pellice is valued at £300.
The Admiral having retired to his seat, the senior Post Captain was invested in the same form with the Pellice and Gold Medal of the Order, and was knighted, and then the three other Captains in succession. Four Masters and Commanders, and Lieutenant Withers, were then knighted in the same manner, but only received a Gold Medal of the Order, without the Pellice vide "Medal Roll" for the recipients. The same ceremony had been performed on General Hutchinson, and the General Officers of the Army, the day before [Baird was absent, being encamped at El Hamed]
General Hutchinson and Sir Richard Bickerton are invested with the first Order of the Crescent. The other General Officers, Post Captains, and Masters and Commanders, are of the second Order, there being only two Orders [Classes or Degrees].
During the whole of the ceremony music was playing. After the ceremony finished, a long history was read, stating the power and magnificence of the Grand Seignor, and consequently the value we were to set upon the different honours conferred. That finished, we were treated with Sherbet; we then arose dressed in our finery, and departed on our horses in the same form we came; at which time another salute was fired.
This ceremony was performed on the spot where the battle of the 21st March 1801 was fought, which decided the fate of Egypt."