Imperial Russian Officers and Officials with Siamese Awards

Captain 1st rank Semyon Stanislavovich Cherkass with 3rd class Order of the White Elephant of 1st type.

Cherkass Semyon Stanislavovich Черкасс Семён Станиславович.jpg

Russian naval officer, captain 1st rank Semyon Stanislavovich Cherkass /Семён Станиславович Черкасс/ was born on December 14, 1846. In service since 1864. He studied in the Naval Corps and was promoted to midshipman on April 17, 1868. He graduated from the Marine Corps in 1870 and was promoted to the rank of midshipman. From 1884 to 1887 senior officer on the auxiliary cruiser "Africa". In 1887 he commanded the schooner "Slavyanka". In 1889, the commander of the gunboat "Ruff" . From 1890 to 1894 he commanded the steamship "Dnepr". In 1894, he successively commanded the mine cruisers "Posadnik" and "Lieutenant Ilyin" . From 1894 to 1895 he commanded the seaworthy gunboat "Rattling". On it in 1895, together with the Mediterranean squadron, he was transferred to the Far East with enrollment in the united Pacific Ocean Squadron under the command of Vice Admiral S.P. Tyrtov .
From June 9, 1897 to June 1, 1899, he commanded the 1st rank cruiser "Admiral Kornilov", which at that time was part of the Pacific squadron. On the cruiser "Admiral Kornilov" he participated in the annexation of the Port Arthur fortress. In early December 1897, by order of the commander of the Pacific squadron F.V. Dubasov, a detachment of ships under the flag of Reunov set off for Port Arthur consisting of the cruisers Admiral Kornilov and Admiral Nakhimov and the gunboats Brave and Gremyashchiy. .
On March 15, 1899, Port Arthur was leased to the Russian Empire for 25 years. And on March 16, the solemn ceremony of handing over Port Arthur took place. "Admiral Kornilov", like other ships of the squadron ("Memory of Azov", "Russia", "Rurik", "Zabiyaka", "Gremyashchiy", "Brave" and "Saratov"), participated in the festive parade of ships. At 8 o'clock in the morning, Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich raised the St. Andrew's flag on the signal mast of the Golden Mountain, simultaneously with the raising of flags on ships. To commemorate the event, the ships of the squadron fired a 21-shot salute.
On December 6, 1899, he was promoted to the rank of captain 1st rank and appointed commander of the squadron battleship "Pobeda", which was under construction. Construction of the battleship began on May 18, 1898 (the construction was supervised by naval engineer V.H. Offenberg), the official laying took place on February 9, 1899. On January 1, 1900, Semyon Stanislavovich Cherkass was also appointed commander of the 19th naval crew. Cherkass was retired on November 26, 1901. The further fate of Semyon Stanislavovich is unknown. He is not mentioned in the fleet lists for 1904, i.e. he did not return from retirement during the Russo-Japanese War.

Note that Semyon Stanislavovich is also wearing 3rd class Royal Order of Cambodia.

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Cherkass Semyon Stanislavovich  Черкасс Семён Станиславович.jpg

Сlearer close-up of awards.

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Christopher Ivanovich Semenov with 4th class White Elephant order.

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Major General Semenov Christopher Ivanovich (Семенов Христофор Иванович; 1847–?) in 1858 graduated from the Navigation School. In 1870, he was assigned to a detachment of the artillery training team on the armored boat "Rusalka". In 1873 he was transferred to the Guards crew. In 1874 he was appointed navigational officer on the yacht “Slavyanka”. In the same year, “for the excellent management of the rescue of the destroyer "Zyablik"”, gratitude was expressed from the Administrator of the Maritime Ministry. He was on voyages as a senior navigator: from July 5 to August 1, 1873, he was on a foreign voyage as a senior navigator on the yacht “Tsarevna”, from April 18 to May 1, 1874 – on the imperial yacht “Derzhava.” In 1874 he received the rank of second lieutenant, in 1879 - lieutenant, in 1882 - staff captain. From May 10 to September 9, 1886 he was sailing on the imperial yacht “Slavyanka”. In 1888–1908 served as senior navigator on the imperial yacht Alexandria. In 1892 he was promoted to captain, in 1895 to lieutenant colonel. In 1893 he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 4th degree with a bow, for 25 years of service in officer ranks and for completing eight/six-month campaigns at sea.

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Baron Konstantin Karlovich von Stackelberg (Константин Карлович Штакельберг; June 15, 1848 - March 30, 1925) Major General, head of the Court Orchestra of Alexander III and composer with 3rd class White Elephant order.

Major General Baron Shtakelberg Генерал-майор   K.K.Штакельберг.jpg
1st rank captain Nikolai Matveevich Yakovlev /Николай Матвеевич Яковлев; March 23, 1856 - September 1919/ with 4th class Order of the Crown (1891) and 4th class Japanese order of the Sacred Treasure (1891).

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1st rank  captain Nikolai Matveevich Yakovlev.jpg
Rear Admiral Alexander Ilyich Kazi (Александр Ильич Кази; 1841 - 1918).

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3rd class order of the White Elephant.

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Vice Admiral Yakov Apollonovich Hiltebrandt (Яков Аполлонович Гильтебрандт; 1842 -1915).

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Breast star of the White Elephant order /Yakov Apollonovich was awarded with a 2nd class in 1897/.

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Major General Lindenbaum Leonid Evgenievich (Линденбаум Леонид Евгеньевич; 1868 -1938).​


Order of the Crown 5th class.

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Major General of the Suite and the last Tauride governor Nikolai Antoninovich Knyazhevich (Николай Антонинович Княжевич; January 31, 1871 - March 4, 1950, Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois) with 2nd class Order of the Crown.

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He was also awarded with a Turkish Order of the Medjidie.

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Ivan de Schaeck /Иван де Шаекк/ personal secretary of Grand Duke Boris. Carl Ludwig Ivan de Schaeck was born in 1865 in Geneva, died in 1926 in Paris. His father, Adolf Martin, was the Austro-Hungarian consul in Geneva. Like many, Ivan de Schaeck, in search of success and a career, went to Russia, where he was destined to teach the children of Grand Duke Vladimir for several years, and then for 21 years to remain the personal secretary of one of them, Grand Duke Boris. With him, over the years, he traveled around the world, visited Siam, Manchuria, and the Caucasus.

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He is wearing 3rd class Order of the Crown /of 1st type/ and 3rd class Japanese Order of the Sacred Treasure.

Ivan de  Schaeck  Иван де Шаекк.jpg

Ivan de Schaeck also wrote a book "His Imperial Majesty Grand Duke Boris at the Festivities in Siam on the Occasion of the Coronation of the King" (1914).

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Lieutenant general and Major general of the Suite Arseny Anatolyevich Gulevich (Арсений Анатольевич Гулевич; 1866 in Moscow - April 12, 1947 in Paris ) with 3rd class Order of the Crown of 1st type.

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Генерал-лейтенант  Гулевич.jpg
Major general Nikolai Petrovich Popov (Николай Петрович Попов; 1858 - 1926) with 2nd class Order of the Crown of 1st type.

Директор Петровского Полтавского кадетского корпуса генерал Николай Петрович Попов.jpg
Major General Tikhobrazov Leonid Abramovich (Тихобразов Леонид Абрамович; 1862 -?) with 2nd class Order of the Crown of 1st type.

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Major General Tikhobrazov Leonid Abramovich.jpg
Unidentified Colonel with 4th class Order of the White Elephant of 1st type.


Captain 1st rank Ilya Aleksandrovich Vinogradsky (Илья Александрович Виноградский; 1867 - 1910) with 4th class Order of the Crown of 1st type (awarded in 1897).



Rear admiral Vsevolod Fedorovich Rudnev (Всеволод Фёдорович Руднев; August 19, 1855 - July 7, 1913) commander of the cruiser "Varyag", which under his command took the battle at Chemulpo in 1904.

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3rd class Order of the Crown of 1st type.

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Major General of His Majesty's Retinue Dr. Vladimir Konstantinovich von Rambach /Владимир Константинович фон Рамбах/ Privy Councilor, Honorary Life Physician with the Order of the Crown breast star.

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Russian infantry general, military historian and writer Alexander Kazimirovich Puzyrevsky (Александр Казимирович Пузыревский; 1845 - 1904). He was awarded with the 1st class order of the Crown in 1897.

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Александр  Казимирович Пузыревский.jpg
Adam Kazimir Sigismundovich Glasko (Адам-Казимир Сигизмундович Гласко; 26.02.1866 – ? ) with 5th class Order of the White Elephant.

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Watchman of the Imperial Winter Palace /photo dated by May 7, 1897/.

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An impressively diverse array of awards.

Neck medal "for Zeal" on St.Anna order ribbon and neck medal "for Zeal" on St. Stanislaus order ribbon.

Medal bar: medal “For Zeal” on St.Anna order ribbon, medal "For Work on the First General Census of 1897", Romanian medal “For Faithful Service” without swords, Siamese King Chulalongkorn's Court Medal /it was instituted in 1887 and was awarded for impeccable and faithful service to the monarch/, Persian medal of the Lion and Sun and Bukhara medal "For Service and Diligence".

Russian Imperial  Household's department official.jpg
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    imperial russian officer order of white elephant imperial russian officer with awards photo imperial russian officer with medals photo imperial russian officer with order of the crown imperial russian officer with siamese award photo imperial russian officer with siamese medal photo imperial russian officer with siamese order photo russian officers with siamese awards русский императорский офицер с сиамским орденом русский императорский офицер с сиамской наградой русский офицер флота с сиамским орденом сиамский орден врученный русскому офицеру เครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์อันมีเกียรติยศยิ่งมงกุฎไทย เครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์อันเป็นที่เชิดชูยิ่งช้างเผือก
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