Royal Saxon Orders of Albrecht from the collection of Dresden Münzkabinett

The Albrecht Order/Albert Order (German: Albrechts-Orden/Albrechtsorden) was created on 31 December 1850 by King Frederick Augustus II of Saxony to commemorate Albert III, Duke of Saxony (known as Albert the Bold). It was to be awarded to anyone who had served the state well, for civil virtue, science and art.

The design was a Christian cross with a bust of Albert the Bold at the centre. In 1875, however, it was discovered the bust was in fact the wrong Albert, Albert the Perennial, and the correct image was substituted and used thereafter.

The class structure of the Albert Order changed several times /Order statute was revised on December 9, 1870, January 31, 1876 and May 4, 1883/.

At first, there were five classes: Grand Cross (Großkreuz), Commander's Cross 1st Class (Komturkreuz I), Commander's Cross 2nd Class (Komturkreuz II), Knight's Cross (Ritterkreuz) and Small Cross (Kleinkreuz). These provided the basis for a series of changes over the following forty years. On 18 March 1858, the Small Cross was renamed as the Honor Cross (Ehrenkreuz) and a sixth class was established with a gold and silver Merit Medal (Verdienstmedaille). In 1860, the order was expanded to include a military division and from that time it could be awarded with crossed swords.

The medals were abolished on 2 February 1876 and the Knights Cross was split into two classes. On 30 April 1884, a gold Great Cross was added and on 11 June 1890, the Officer's Cross was inserted into the Order between the Knight's Cross 1st Class and the Commander's Cross 2nd Class. So, at its abolition in 1918, the Order was structured thus:

Gold Grand Cross (Goldgroßkreuz)
Grand Cross (Großkreuz)
Commander's Cross 1st Class (Komturkreuz I. Klasse)
Commander's Cross (Komturkreuz II. Klasse)
Officer's Cross (Offizierskreuz)
Knight's Cross 1st Class (Ritterkreuz I. Klasse)
Knight's Cross 2nd Class (Ritterkreuz II. Klasse)
Honor Cross (Ehrenkreuz)
Merit Cross (Verdienstkreuz)

An award of swords indicated a recipient's bravery in wartime. If, however, a recipient was subsequently awarded a higher grade in the Order, he could lose the bravery distinction attached to the superseded grade (regulations only allowed the display of the insignia of the highest awarded grade). This anomaly was solved in 1906 by allowing the addition of Swords by replacement of insignia. A recipient, however, had to pay the cost of replacement and this appears to have inhibited the numbers of such replacements.​

Golden Breast Star to the Grand Cross with Silver Crown and Swords (most likely made by Gustav Adolph Scharffenberg workshop in Dresden).

Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 92.8 mm.
Weight 106.23 g.

Königlich Sächsischer Albrechtsorden Goldener Bruststern zum Großkreuz mit silberner Krone und Schwertern.jpg

Königlich  Sächsischer Albrechtsorden Goldener Bruststern zum Großkreuz mit silberner Krone und Schwertern.jpg
Breast star to the Grand Cross made by Moritz Elimeyer, Dresden.

Moritz Elimeyer was born on June 17, 1810 in Dresden, Germany into a Jewish-German family. His family was already respected in the jewelry and goldsmith industry, as his grandfather already worked as a court factor at the Saxon royal court. Elimeyer applied for the title of royal court jeweler after the death of the court jeweler Ignaz Conrad Plödterl. Several other craftsmen protested Elimeyer's application because of his Jewish background, but he was granted the title in 1836 as he had hired the Dresden goldsmith Eckert to work at his firm. Elimeyer did not personally hold a master craftsman's certificate because a royal decree permitted Jewish people from holding one. In 1836, Moritz Elimeyer was first listed in the Dresden address book as a royal court jeweler.​

Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 82.8 mm.
Weight 55.2 g.

Royal Saxon Order of Albert  Grand Cross.jpg

Royal Saxon Order of Albert Grand Cross.jpg
Breast star to the Commander's Cross 1st Class with Swords made by the Gustav Adolph Scharffenberg, Dresden.

Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 89.3 mm.
Weight 63.67 g.

Königlich Sächsischer Albrechtsorden - Bruststern zum Komturkreuz 1. Klasse mit Schwertern.jpg

Königlich Sächsischer  Albrechtsorden - Bruststern zum Komturkreuz 1. Klasse mit Schwertern.jpg
Breast star to the Commander's /Komtur/ Cross 1st Class made by Godet, Berlin.

Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 88.7 mm.
Weight 56.79 g.

Marked "Godet in Berlin".

Königlich Sächsischer Albrechtsorden  Bruststern zum Komturkreuz 1. Klasse.jpg

Königlich  Sächsischer Albrechtsorden  Bruststern zum Komturkreuz 1. Klasse.jpg
Grand Cross/Commander's Cross with Swords.

Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 113 x 54 mm.
Weight 55.30 g.

Königlich Sächsischer Albrechtsorden   Groß- bzw. Komturkreuz mit Schwertern.jpg
Königlich Sächsischer Albrechtsorden  Groß- bzw. Komturkreuz mit Schwertern.jpg
Grand Cross/Commander's Cross without Swords.

Gold, enamel.
Size 111.5 x 53 mm.
Weight 33.68 g.

Royal Saxon Order of Albrecht  Grand Cross.jpg
Royal Saxon Order of Albrecht  Grand  Cross.jpg
Grand Cross/Commander's Cross with Swords made by Glaser & Sohn workshop in Dresden.

Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 89 x 52.6 mm.
Weight 59.28 g.

Königlich Sächsischer Albrechtsorden - Groß- bzw. Komturkreuz mit Schwertern.jpg

Königlich Sächsischer Albrechtsorden  Groß- bzw. Komturkreuz mit Schwertern.jpg
Officer's Cross.

Gold, enamel.
Size 69 x 46 mm.
Weight 25.18 g.

Königlich Sächsischer Albrechtsorden - Offizierskreuz.jpg

Königlich Sächsischer Albrechtsorden Offizierskreuz.jpg
Knight's Cross 1st Class with Swords.

Gold, enamel.
Size 58 x 37 mm.
Weight 15.59 g.

Königlich Sächsischer Albrechtsorden Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse mit Schwertern.jpg
Königlich Sächsischer Albrechtsorden  Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse mit Schwertern.jpg
Knight's Cross 1st Class with Crown.

Gold, enamel.
Size 62 x 38 mm.
Weight 20.22 g.

Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse mit Krone   am Brustband.jpg
Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse mit Krone am Brustband.jpg
Knight's Cross 1st Class made by Gustav Adolph Scharffenberg, Dresden.

Gold, enamel.
Size 61.2 x 38.9 mm.
Weight 24.37 g.

Albrechtsorden, Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse.jpg

Albrechtsorden, Ritterkreuz 1.  Klasse.jpg
Knight's Cross 1st Class made by Gustav Adolph Scharffenberg, Dresden.

Gold, enamel.
Size 50 x 38 mm.
Weight 23.40 g.

Königlich Sächsischer Albrechtsorden  Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse.jpg

Königlich Sächsischer  Albrechtsorden Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse.jpg
Knight's Cross 2nd Class with swords made by Gustav Adolph Scharffenberg, Dresden.

Gold, enamel.
Size 57 x 34 mm.
Weight 16.64 g.

Königlich Sächsischer Albrechtsorden - Ritterkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern.jpg

Königlich Sächsischer Albrechtsorden  Ritterkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern.jpg
Knight's Cross 2nd Class made by Gustav Adolph Scharffenberg, Dresden.

Gold, enamel.
Size 56.5 x 34.5 mm.
Weight 16.83 g.

Königlich  Sächsischer Albrechtsorden Ritterkreuz 2. Klasse.jpg

Königlich Sächsischer Albrechtsorden Ritterkreuz 2. Klasse.jpg
Merit Cross with Swords.

Size 46 x 34.1 mm.
Weight 17 g.

Königlich Sächsischer Albrechtsorden Albrechtskreuz mit Schwertern.jpg

Königlich  Sächsischer Albrechtsorden Albrechtskreuz mit Schwertern.jpg
Merit Cross.

Size 54 x 34 mm.
Weight 14.89 g.

Albrechtsorden Albrechtskreuz am Brustband.jpg
Albrechtsorden Albrechtskreuz  am Brustband.jpg
Medal of the Royal Saxon Order of Albrecht.

Size 45.8 x 30.7 mm.
Weight 22.19 g.

Medal of the Royal Saxon Order of Albert.jpg

Medal of the Royal Saxon  Order of Albert.jpg
Medal of the Royal Saxon Order of Albrecht.

Size 36.8 x 30.5 mm.
Weight 28.38 g.

Medaille des Königlich Sächsischen Albrechtsordens.jpg

Medaille des Königlich Sächsischen  Albrechtsordens.jpg
  • Tags
    albrechts-orden albrechtsorden großkreuz mit schwertern albrechtsorden komturkreuz mit schwertern collection of dresden münzkabinett königlich sächsischer albrechtsorden medaille des königlich sächsischen albrechtsordens medal of the royal saxon order of albert order of albrecht royal saxon order of albert royal saxon order of albert breast star royal saxon order of albert cross with swords royal saxon order of albert grand cross royal saxon order of albert komtur cross royal saxon order of albert with swords sächsischer albrechtsorden großkreuz sächsischer albrechtsorden komturkreuz verdienstkreuz albrechts-orden
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