In the early 1920s, Imperial Japan noted that their tank arm was in need of updating. Japan had not had much experience with tanks prior to this. In 1918, Japan received a number of the British made Medium Mark A ‘Whippet’ tanks, followed by the acquisition of 13 Renault FTs. The Whippets did not see much action, though the FTs did serve in Manchuria from 1925 with some combating Soviet forces in 1932. The Japanese liked the French tank, and, as soon as an upgraded version was available, they purchased more in the late 1920s. This upgraded tank was the Renault NC 27. In Japan it would go by the name Otsu-Gata Sensha (大津ガスセンサ, Second Model Tank). It is also known as Renault Otsu-Gata (Type B) or simply Renault Otsu.