Red Ribbon Medals of Honour Documents

Document No. 480 issued on December 15, 1954 /in toto 464 red ribbon medals were issued before 1954; in 1954 year alone 125 red ribbons medals were awarded - to this day, this figure remains the maximum number of red ribbons medals issued in one year/.

15.12.1954 - 480.jpg
Document No. 1 261 005 /it is obvious that the document number does not match the number of medals that were actually issued before 2014/ issued on April 29, 2014.

29.04.2014 - 1 261 005.jpg
Document issued on April 29, 2015.

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    japanese medal for life saving japanese red ribbon medal of honor japanese red ribbon medal of honour japanese red ribbon medal of honour certificate japanese red ribbon medal of honour document red ribbon medal of honour document 紅綬褒章
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