Red Ribbon Medal of Honour No.1 awarded in 1883 to Captain Nathan Carver /American bark Abbie Carver/

The Emperor of Japan awarded Nathan Carver of the bark Abbie Carver medal of the red ribbon and a citation for his rescue of thirteen shipwrecked Japanese fishermen on September 12, 1881.. The Emperor expressed his “high appreciation of [Carver’s] humane action toward the unfortunate Japanese subjects who [Carver] rescued so opportunely and treated so kindly.” Medal was awarded on January 13, 1883 "For rescuing Mr. Sasatsuka and 12 crewmen on a fishing vessel that was located in rough waters in the sea, 300 ri/1170 km away from Chiba Prefecture."​

Collection of Penobscot Marine Museum in Searsport, Maine.

Red Ribbon Medal of Honour No.1.jpg

Captain Nathan Carver.

Nathan Carver.jpg

Bark Abbie Carver /circa 1875 painted by Maine artist William P. Stubbs., private collection/.

Bark Abbie Carver  c. 1875 by Maine artist William P. Stubbs.jpg
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    american bark abbie carver captain nathan carver japanese disaster rescue medal japanese red ribbon medal of honor japanese rescue medal red ribbon medal of honor awarded in 1883 red ribbon medal of honour red ribbon medal of honour awarded in 1883 紅綬褒章
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