Photos with National Uniform Ceremonial Cords/国民服儀礼章フォト

About national uniform ceremonial cords

Interesting example of rules of wearing violation (cord should be worn at the right side).
Another possibility - photo was made between May 5 and November 1, 1940 when cord supposed to be worn on left side.

Photo with National Uniform Ceremonial Cord.jpg
Photo with National Uniform Ceremonial Cord.jpg

Dated 十六年十一月一日 = November 1, 1941

Photo with National  Uniform Ceremonial Cord.jpg
Another example of rules of wearing violation.
Cord is attached to the forth botton instead of the second.

Photo with  National Uniform  Ceremonial Cord.jpg
A cabinet minister of Cabinet of HIH Prince Naruhiko of Higashikuni (from the front row left Prince Naruhiko, Mamoru Shigemitsu, Mitsumasa Yonai, Chikuhei Nakajima, Fumimaro Konoe, Chuzo Iwata; Kenzo Matsumura, Kotaro Sengoku, Iwao Yamasaki, Juichi Tsushima, Naoto Kohiyama, Taketora Ogata from the back row left. The last line Naokai Murase).

Photo with National Uniform Ceremonial Cord.jpg
Prime minister Hideki Tojo visiting plant.

Photo with National Uniform Ceremonial Cord.jpg
Interesting photo.

1946 Ceremonial Cords.jpg

Photo is dated by January 1, 1946 but ceremonial cords are still in place.

1946 Ceremonial  Cords.jpg
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    japanese photo national uniform ceremonial cord photo photo japanese ceremonial cord photo japanese national uniform photo with national uniform ceremonial cord 国民服儀礼章 国民服儀礼章フォト
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