"Patriotic Seals" of Imperial Rule Assistance Association/大政翼賛會「愛國封緘」

Interesting series of stickers created to 臣道實踐強調 - Emphasis of Putting Into Practice Way of Serving [to the Emperor and Country] (about this slogan see https://asiamedals.info/threads/gre...e-assistance-association-pocket-knifes.24926/).

大政翼賛會  「愛国封緘」.jpg
大政翼賛會   「愛国封緘」.jpg

Some inscriptions translation.

國防 - National Defense
軍民殉國 - Military and Civilian Martial Arts
英霊に感謝 - Grateful to Our Ancestors [日本国のために命を捨てて戦った英霊に感謝の意を表します。 - I am grateful to our ancestors who fought and dead for our country, Japan]

大政翼賛 - Imperial Rule Assistance Association

傷病将士の慰問 - Consolation of the Sick and Injured Soldiers
誉の戦傷みんなで労れ - Honorable War Wounded Work Together

前線将士の慰問 - Consolation of the Frontline Soldiers

防諜 - Counterintelligence
心の隙間にスパイは躍る - The Spy Jumps In the Gap Between the Hearts

Original cover (every set contains eight such blocks 48 "seals" in toto).


大政翼賛會 「愛国封緘」.jpg
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    imperial rule assistance association imperial rule assistance association stickers 大政翼賛會 大政翼賛會「愛國封緘」 大政翼賛會愛國封緘 臣道實踐強調
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