Osaka Air Defense Maneuvers "Mum with an Airplane" Design Badges

1st variation.



防空 - Air Defense


昭和十一年度阪神防空演習 - 1936 Hanshin Air Defense Maneuvers

済美朕合防護團参加記念章 - Saimi Air Raid Defense Corps Participation Сommemoration Badge
Five variations from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner.

Air Defense Maneuvers  Badges.jpg
2nd variation.

Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner.

大阪済美第二防護團  Osaka Saimi No.2 Air Raid Defense Corps Badge.jpg
大阪済美第二防護團 - Osaka Saimi No.2 Air Raid Defense Corps Badge.jpg


防空 - Air Defense


大阪済美第二防護團 - Osaka Saimi No.2 Air Raid Defense Corps

團員章 - Member's Badge
3rd variation.

Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner.

Temma City Distribution Market Air Raid Defense Corps Badge.jpg
Temma City  Distribution Market Air Raid Defense Corps Badge.jpg


防空 - Air Defense

Emblem with 市 /"city"/ in the center.


昭和二十年京阪神防空演習章- 1937 Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe Air Defense Maneuvers Badge

天満配給市場防護分團 - Temma City Distribution Market Air Raid Defense Corps
4th variation.

Osaka City Takamatsu Air Raid Defense Corps Badge.jpg
Osaka City Takamatsu Air Raid Defense  Corps Badge.jpg


防空 - Air Defense


昭和十三年度近畿防空演習参加記念章 - 1938 Kinki Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Badge

大阪市高松防護分團 - Osaka City Takamatsu Air Raid Defense Corps
5th variation.

Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner.

Tsuruhashi Industrial Factory Air Raid Defense Corps.jpg
Tsuruhashi  Industrial Factory Air Raid Defense Corps.jpg


昭和十一年 - 1936

鶴橋工業工場防護分團 - Tsuruhashi Industrial Factory Air Raid Defense Corps

防空演習参加記念章 - Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Badge
Another example of 5th variation badge.

Tsuruhashi Industrial Factory Air Raid Defense Corps Badge.jpg
  • Tags
    1936年度阪神防空演習済美朕合防護團参加記念章 imperial japan air defense badge industrial factory air raid defense corps badge japanese air defense badge osaka air defense maneuvers badge osaka saimi no.2 air raid defense corps badge 大阪済美第二防護團團員章 昭和十一年度阪神防空演習済美朕合防護團参加記念章 昭和十三年度近畿防空演習参加記念章 防空演習参加記念章 鶴橋工業工場防護分團防空演習参加記念章
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