Orders of Saint Anna made by Kretly, Paris

Auguste Kretly’s Paris firm has been in business for well over a century and is always associated with superb quality. It grew out of the passementerie and ribbon firm owned by C.-Hy. Letellier. In 1855, Kretly self-designated as a jeweller and five years later as a “fabricant d’ordres.” He became a purveyor of “plusieures cour etrangeres” by 1870. He was succeeded by the widow of Michaut just before 1880. However, the name and traditions of the house were kept alive. She was then succeeded by Mme Forceville sometime between 1900 to 1904. Firm first address was "46 Galerie Montpensier, Palais Royal" between 1847 to 1925 (between 1848 to 1853, Palais National). The most recent address is considered 5 Avenue de l’Opera.​

Diamond-cut breast star.

Silver, gold, enamel.
Size 85.5 x 85 mm.
Weight 62.26 g.

Order of Saint Anna made by Kretly, Paris.jpg

Order of Saint Anna made by  Kretly, Paris.jpg

Order of Saint Anna  made by Kretly, Paris.jpg



Order of Saint  Anna made by Kretly, Paris.jpg
Flat rays breast star.

Silver, gold, gilt, enamel.
Size 85 mm.

Order of Saint Anna made by Kretly.jpg

Order of  Saint Anna made by Kretly.jpg

Order  of Saint Anna made by Kretly.jpg

Order of Saint Anna  made by Kretly.jpg

Order of Saint Anna made  by Kretly.jpg
  • Tags
    french-made order of saint anna imperial russian order kretly paris order made by kretly paris order of saint anna made by french workshop order of saint anna made by kretly orders of saint anna made by kretly звезда ордена святой анны награды императорской россии орден святой анны производства kretly paris орден святой анны сделанный во франции орден святой анны французской мастерской ордена императорской россии
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