Orders made by A.Dupetitbosq /successeur de Paul Stopin/, Paris

"Paul Stopin was originally a hatmaker in Paris, but one knows from him a star of the Papal Order of Christ before 1860. Also a Grand Cross set of the Portuguese Order of Christ is known by him as well as Spanish and Turkish Orders. Address: 6 rue de Montpensier, and péristyle 228-231, Palais Royal. His successor was A. Dupetitbosq before 1880 who made Sicilian, Spanish, and Turkish orders. His name disappeared in about 1888".​

Source: Antonio M. Trigueiros and Gustav A. Tammann (1997) The three Portugese military orders of knighthood, 1789-1910: The Order of Christ, the Order of Avis, and the Order of Santiago: a guide for collectors.

Workshop plaques.​
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    a.dupetitbosq successeur de paul stopin paris a.dupetitbosq successor de paul stopin paris award made by a.dupetitbosq medal made by a.dupetitbosq medal made by paul stopin paris order made by a.dupetitbosq paris order made by paul stopin paris order of nishan-iftikar made by a.dupetitbosq order of nishan-iftikar made by paul stopin paris order of the garter breast star by a.dupetitbosq order of the medjidie made by paul stopin paul stopin dupetitbosq fres successeurs’
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