Order of Victory IV of General Dwight Eisenhower

Order of Victory IV of General Dwight Eisenhower.JPG

General Dwight D. Eisenhower https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwight_D._Eisenhower was awarded of Order of Victory on June 5, 1945 (together with Field Mershal Bernard Montgomery).

Official decree and its draft with Stalin's mark "Agree".

Decree stalin.jpg

Указ Президиума Верховного Совета СССР
о награждении генерала армии Д. Эйзенхауэра
и фельдмаршала Б. Монтгомери орденом «Победа»

За выдающиеся успехи в проведении боевых операций большого масштаба, в результате которых достигнута победа Объединенных Наций над гитлеровской Германией, наградить:


Генерала армии Дуайта Д. Эйзенхауэра,
Фельдмаршала сэра Бернарда Лоу Монтгомери​

Председатель Президиума
Верховного Совета СССР —
М. Калинин

Секретарь Президиума
Верховного Совета СССР —
А. Горкин

Москва, Кремль
5 июня 1945 г.​

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
on awarding General of the Army D. Eisenhower
and Field Marshal B. Montgomery with the Order of Victory

For outstanding success in conducting military operations of a large scale, which resulted in the victory of the United Nations over Nazi Germany, awarded:


General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower,
Field Marshal Sir Bernard Law Montgomery​

Chairman of the Presidium
Supreme Soviet of the USSR
M. Kalinin

Secretary of the Presidium
Supreme Soviet of the USSR
A. Gorkin

Moscow Kremlin
June 5, 1945​

Newspaper version.

official decree.jpg

Order was presented to General on June 10, 1945 in Frankfurt am Main by Marshal Zukov.




Official protocol of the presentation of the Order of Victory by Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov to General Dwight D. Eisenhower and Field Marshal Bernard L. Montgomery Frankfurt am Main on
June 10, 1945 (numbers on the right are the numbers of orders documents).

Protocol of the presentation of the Order of Victory to General Dwight D..jpg

This is how original record-card/учётная карточка of Eisenhower looks like.

record-card учётная карточка of Eisenhower.jpg

Registration card has wrong award day - June 16, 1945. Apparently this error occurred due to to the official protoco where date is written in such a way that it can be read both as 10 and as 16.

As we see he also got 1st class Suvorov order No. 118 on February 18, 1944 "for outstanding success in command and control and in carrying out a wide plan of landing and combat operations of the Anglo-American armed forces in North Africa and Italy against the common enemy of the Soviet Union and the United States of America - Nazi Germany/за выдающиеся успехи в деле управления войсками и в проведении широкого плана десантных и боевых операций англо-американских вооружённых сил в Северной Африке и Италии против общего врага Советского Союза и Соединенных Штатов Америки - гитлеровской Германии".

His order of Suvorov.

Eisenhower order of Suvorov.JPG
Eisenhower became 13th cavalier of the order.

Order of Victory IV of General Dwight Eisenhower.JPG
Order of Victory IV of General Dwight Eisenhower-.JPG

Order book No.11

Order book No.11.jpg

Order book No.11 -.jpg
On display in Eisenhower Presidential Library.

Order of Victory IV of General Dwight Eisenhower.jpg

Order of Victory IV of General Dwight Eisenhower..jpg

Order of Victory IV of General Dwight Eisenhower.jpg
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    order of ussr order of victory order of victory of general dwight eisenhower orders of ussr soviet orders орден победы орден победы эйзенхауэра ордена ссср
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