Order of the Illustrious Dragon Breast Stars /unmarked/

Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner.

Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 87.7 mm.
Weight 119 g.

Order of the Illustrious Dragon Breast Star unmarked.jpg

Order of the  Illustrious Dragon Breast Star unmarked.jpg

Order of the Illustrious Dragon Breast  Star unmarked.jpg
Salty "heavy" breast star.

Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 88 mm.
Weight 127 g.

Order of the Illustrious Dragon Breast Star.jpg

Order of  the Illustrious Dragon Breast Star.jpg

Order of the  Illustrious Dragon Breast Star.jpg
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    lóngguāng zhāng manchukuo order manchukuo order breast star manchukuo order of the illustrious dragon orden vom erhabenen drachen order of the dragon light order of the dragon ray order of the illustrious dragon order of the illustrious dragon breast star 大勲位龍光大綬章 龍光大綬章 龍光章 龍光章是滿洲國的勳章
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