French-made miniature. Gold, enamel, 62 diamonds /0,105 ct./, ruby /0,12 ct./. Size 12 mm.
#2 These three miniatures were once part of a single group. Order of the Lion and Sun miniature Silver, gold, enamel, 44 diamonds /0,23 ct./. Size 12 mm.
These three miniatures were once part of a single group. Order of the Lion and Sun miniature Silver, gold, enamel, 44 diamonds /0,23 ct./. Size 12 mm.
#3 Order of the Double Dragon miniature Silver, gold, enamel, 4425 diamonds /0,21 ct./. Size 13.5 mm.
Order of the Double Dragon miniature Silver, gold, enamel, 4425 diamonds /0,21 ct./. Size 13.5 mm.