Manchukuo Army Flight School Graduation Commemorative Belt Buckle/満洲國陸軍飛行學校卒業記念バックル


満洲國陸軍飛行學校卒業記念 バックル.jpg


第二種第一期操縱學生- 1st Class of 2nd Class Pilot Trainees

満洲國陸軍飛行學校 - Manchukuo Army Flight School

reverse engraved

康德八年五月 - May 1941

卒業記念 - Graduation Commemorative

先ケ部佳弘 - Yoshihiro Sakikebu

In the period from 1932 to 1940, the manning of the Manchukuo air force was carried out exclusively by Japanese pilots. In 1940, training began piloting the military aircraft of ethnic Manchus. In the flight school of Manchukuo, both military and civilian pilots were trained. On the balance of the school consisted of twenty educational Japanese aircraft. The imperial court used for its own purposes the air transport of three aircraft. In January 1941 about 100 pilots of Manchukuo Army Flight School revolted and went over to the Chinese partisans, thus avenging the Japanese for killing their commander and instructor.​
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    manchukuo army commemorative belt buckle manchukuo army flight school manchukuo army flight school belt buckle manchukuo flight school commemorative belt buckle 満洲國陸軍バックル 満洲國陸軍飛行學校 満洲國陸軍飛行學校卒業記念 満洲國陸軍飛行學校卒業記念バックル
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