Kagoshima Prefecture National Health Movement Badge/健康鹿児島県章

Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner.

Celluloid badge.

Kagoshima Prefecture Health Badge 健康鹿児島県章.jpg


健康 - Health (most likely National Health Movement https://asiamedals.info/threads/nat...saka-national-health-movement-badge-ku.25107/ )

鹿兒島県 - Kagoshima Prefecture

Kagoshima Prefecture Health  Badge 健康鹿児島県章.jpg
  • Tags
    japanese national health movement badge kagoshima prefecture badge kagoshima prefecture health badge kagoshima prefecture national health movement 健康章 健康鹿児島県章 國民健康運動輝く健康章 鹿児島県章
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