Jewelry Drawings from the Emperor Nicholas II Notebook

Museums of the Moscow Kremlin collection contains a notebook of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II with drawings of jewelry that belonged to him: cufflinks, tie pins, chatelaines, key rings, and brooch-shaped jewelry with a portrait miniature.
Under more than three hundred drawings are explanatory inscriptions - autographs of Nicholas II himself, which indicate when and from whom the item was received, sometimes - where and on what occasion. These pieces of jewelry are gifts to the emperor for various holidays, memorable dates and events. Nicholas received a significant part of the jewelry from his parents and Russian relatives, most of all - from his wife Alexandra Feodorovna. There are also gifts from foreign relatives on the line of the English Queen Victoria, with whom Nicholas had dynastic ties on the line of his mother and his wife Alexandra Feodorovna. A few drawings depict jewelry acquired by Nicholas II or given by him to his relatives.
The Emperor kept this unique "illustrated diary" for twenty-five years. The notebook was started on January 1, 1889, when Nicholas II was still Tsarevich, and finished on the eve of the First World War in 1913. It is curious that some of the drawings are earlier gifts, which indicates the owner's desire to capture them after the passage of time.
The objects are depicted in life size. The drawings are done at a good amateur level with watercolors, ink and whitewash and give a very specific idea of a particular decoration, its features, style and material.
There is no exact information about who made the drawings. Researchers suggest that the author could have been Nicholas II himself. The Emperor was a good artist: he, like all members of the imperial family, was taught this in childhood.
Unfortunately, the fate of this jewelry collection currently remains unknown.​

138 pages.
Page size 22.3 x 18 cm.
Binding dimensions 23 x 18.8 x 2 cm.

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    emperor nicholas ii notebook jewelry collection of nicholas ii jewelry drawings of the emperor nicholas ii записная книжка николая ii ювелирные украшения николай ii
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