Japanese Submarine I-69 Launching Commemorative Medal/昭和九年伊号第六十九潜水艦進水記念章

Commemorating the Launch of Submarine I-69 Table Medal.jpg


伊号第六十九潜水艦進水記念 - Japanese Submarine I-69 Launching Commemorative

Commemorating the Launch of Submarine  I-69 Table Medal.jpg


昭和九年二月十五日進水 - Launched on February 15, 1934

三菱神戸造船株式会社神戸造船所建造 - Built at Mitsubishi Kobe Shipbuilding Co.


造幣局製 - Made by Mint

Original case.

記念 - Commemorative

Inside 造幣局製 - Made by Mint

I-69, later I-169, was an Imperial Japanese Navy Kaidai-class cruiser submarine of the KD6 sub-class commissioned in 1935. She served in World War II, during which she conducted six war patrols and took part in operations supporting the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Battle of Midway, the Guadalcanal campaign, the Aleutians campaign, and the defense of the Gilbert Islands. She sank in a diving accident in April 1944.


Wreck of I-169 on December 1, 2015.

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    1934年伊号第六十九潜水艦進水記念章 japanese launching commemorative medal japanese submarine i-69 launching medal japanese submarine launching table medal japanese submarinelaunching commemorative medal japanese table medal made by mint 昭和九年伊号第六十九潜水艦進水記念章 造幣局製 made by the mint 造幣局製メダル
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