Badges were given to Turkish Brigade soldiers who participated in the Korean War.
Size 32 mm.
Weight 11.4 g.
Obverse (in Turkish)
Cumhuriyetin XXXI. Yıldönümü - Republic 31st Anniversary
5.nci Türk Tugayı - 5th Turkish Brigade
In the center Turkish Brigade's emblem
Original cardboard case.
徽章 - Badge
謹製 - Made by
Special Badge
Size 32 mm.
Weight 11.4 g.
Obverse (in Turkish)
Cumhuriyetin XXXI. Yıldönümü - Republic 31st Anniversary
5.nci Türk Tugayı - 5th Turkish Brigade
In the center Turkish Brigade's emblem
Original cardboard case.
徽章 - Badge
謹製 - Made by
Special Badge